TITLE: The Photoshoot
AGE: 31 - 40
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I’ll start by introducing myself. I’m Natalie (Nat) a 36-year-old mum of two here in the UK. I’d say I was quite the typical young woman before settling and having kids. I went to University, worked and enjoyed social events, would be out in pubs and clubs at the weekend and had a large circle of friends. I’d had several semi-serious relationships through my 20’s and enjoyed being single in between them too. If you’ve read my “First Time Shared” story, you’ll have a flavour for my sexual appetite back then!
I had settled down with my partner as I approached 30 and the last few years life has been all about the kids.
Throughout my late teens and 20’s I kept myself very fit and active and took pride in my appearance. I sat between a size 10 and size 12 and at only 5ft3 my 32F bust really stood out and caught men’s attention. I’d typically wear my long brown hair down and would be at the salon as often as I could afford to keep my hair, nails and everything looking good.
As someone that took so much in their appearance, it’s been pretty tough seeing my body change through pregnancy and afterwards and mum life meaning there is less and less time for me to focus on myself and do all the things I used to do to keep myself looking as I liked.
About 12 months after having my second, I was really in a bit of a rut with my body and appearance. My confidence plummeted and that started to take its toll on my relationship with my partner. Having dated and got serious when I was full of confidence, dressing to impress and show off my body and having a huge sexual appetite, my partner was finding it hard to adapt to life with someone so low on confidence, unhappy with their appearance and a reducing desire for sex. He’d constantly tell me how silly I was being and how I was still “hot” and “look amazing”, but no matter how many times he told me, I couldn’t see it for myself anymore.
After a particularly frustrating couple of weeks, my partner came home and passed me an envelope.
“Don’t kill me, but I’ve done something, here,” he said as he passed me the envelope.
“What’s this?” I replied, whilst opening it anxiously.
I took out the glossy sheet from the envelope and read it out loud.
“CPD Photography – Boudoir Glamour Shoot!”
…17:00 Saturday 27th August 2022 @ CPD Studios
…Booking includes 2 Hour Photoshoot at the time and date stated and Digital Copies of 5 images from the shoot”

“What the fuck is this?” I added enquiring as to what he’d done exactly.
“Nat, for months you’ve been beating yourself up about how you look. Referring to your “mum tum” and how you don’t have time to do anything for yourself. I’ve told you a million times you look amazing, and your body is incredible!” he replied.
“So, I’ve booked you in to have your hair done earlier that day and then you’re going to go and have some professional photos done of yourself and then hopefully you’ll be able to see what me and everyone else sees!”
“There’s no way I look anywhere near good enough to be posing for photos! And what’s a boudoir glamour shoot anyway?”
“It’s a sexy shoot. I want you to remember just how sexy you are! You don’t have to strip off. I think most of the time the women wear lingerie or swimwear, but the photographer said the clients choose what they want to wear and there is no pressure at all.”
“Fucking hell, what have you done this for, seriously! I can’t do it. You’ll have to cancel.”
“I can’t, it’s paid in full. Look you don’t have to do it. I can’t and wouldn’t ever make you do something you’re not comfortable with. But just think about it, please! I think it will help you!”
“I’ll think about it, but right at this moment it’s a NO!” and with that I put the sheet down on the side and went to see to one of the kids who had started shouting for me.
Whilst sat settling the baby, I looked up the photographer online. They had a very professional looking website. The photos looked great, with lighting and angles used to make all the clients look amazing. I couldn’t help noticing though that in nearly every photo the client was in lingerie or less! The idea of that being me made me so nervous.
Over the next couple of days, the shoot didn’t get discussed in the house, but I had looked back over the website on a few occasions and on one of them I even got carried away enough to look at some new lingerie from one of my favourite online stores. I’d not bought anything from them since having kids!
The shoot pretty much occupied my mind whenever I had a spare minute, which was rare! But the more I thought about the more I appreciated the efforts of my partner and what he was trying to do – which was help me.

3 or 4 days after he’d first presented me with the envelope, we sat down after the kids had gone to bed and I showed him the lingerie I’d been looking at.
“I’m not saying I’m doing it, so don’t get carried away, but is this the type of thing you think would be suitable for the shoot?”
I passed him my phone and as I did, I saw the look on his face as he scrolled through images of some stunning underwear model posing in a red and black lace thong and matching bra.
“Abso-fucking-lutely!” was his response. I have to admit that did make me laugh.
The model on the images wasn’t too different to how I looked before kids. Not the slimmest but toned with a big bust and bum and brown hair. The lingerie was sheer red, with a black floral lace pattern sewn over it to give the red and black contrast.
“Order it. Order it now,” were his next words.
“No, I said I’m not sure still – I was just checking.”
“Well order it anyway, you can wear it for me if you don’t do the shoot!”
I gave a big smile. Honestly whilst my confidence was rock bottom the fact that my partner constantly gave me compliments and would try it on with me most nights let me know that he still found me attractive at least.
The next morning, without telling him, I called the photography studio and spoke to the photographer. I explained my situation and unease about it, but that I was curious. The photographer was great, he reassured me and really put me at ease. He explained that on the day, it was totally up to me as to whether I went ahead, what poses I’d do and not and what I wore.
“Natalie, if you decide on the day, you want no photos taking at all, that’s fine. If you just want me to take some portrait shots or full-length ones of you in your normal clothes, that fine. There is no pressure at all. You have to be comfortable, and I promise, you will be.”
“Ok. See you on the 27th then!”
“Ah Natalie, that’s great! See you then.”
As soon as the call had ended, I clicked away on my phone and ordered the lingerie. But I decided I wouldn’t tell my partner I’d ordered it. I didn’t want him to get his hopes up and expect more, so instead I thought I’d go to the shoot, take it with me and see how I felt. If I decided to go for it, the photos could be a surprise for him!
The day of the shoot arrived.
My stomach was in knots all day; I couldn’t eat anything for nerves! Throughout the course of the day, I’d changed my mind on whether to go through with it on countless occasions.
I started getting myself ready at about 1pm. My partner took the kids to the park, and I had a long soak in a hot bath. After enjoying the soak, I got to work on my legs, underarms and other body hair. I made sure my legs were completely smooth and then trimmed the hair above my pussy into a very thin and neat landing strip.
After I’d dried off, I moisturised my entire body and did a full face of make up. I got dressed in a black lace thong and bra (usual sort of set for me), jeans and a low-cut V-neck t-shirt and finished it with my black heels and leather jacket.
With the kids and my partner still at the park, I got my bag of stuff together and headed off to the salon. It seemed like forever since I’d been able to have a nice long bath, some self care and then come out in a full face of make up and get my hair done. I felt great!
The stylist greeted me with a glass of Prosecco, and we had a great catch up whilst she gave my hair the full works. A full wash, condition and style. As I looked at my reflection, I was pleasantly surprised and had a hint of how I used to feel when looking in the mirror all of them years ago.
I passed up a second glass of wine and texted my partner to say my hair was nearly done and I’d let him know when I got to the studio.
The stylist finished the last section of my hair and that was it. I was done. It was time!
I paid up at the reception desk and headed back to my car. As I was walking along the street, I noticed a couple of guys walking the opposite direction check me out, looking me up and down as we passed. I couldn’t help but smile.
The studio was only a 10-minute drive from the salon and so I soon parked up, seeing just one other car. A big red BMW with a personal plate that ended CPD. Obviously the photographer’s and I figured he must be doing well for himself and doing a lot of shoots to afford that car.
I grabbed my bag out of the boot and headed to the front door. It was a buzzer system to get in, so I pressed the button.
“CPD Studio, can I help?”
“Hi, it’s Nat. I’m here for a Boudoir Shoot.”
“Ah Nat! Great, come in.”
And the door immediately released.

As I walked into reception the photographer walked through from a door at the side. He must have picked up on my apprehension and notice my hands trembling slightly through the nerves.
“Nat, it’s great to meet you finally, I’m Chris,” he said as he greeted me and offered out his hand to shake hands.
“Hi Chris, it’s good to meet you too.”
Chris stood much taller than me, I’d guess he’d have been 6ft 3 maybe? He was slim, I’d say he looked like he might run based on his physique and was bald/shaved with stubble. He was hard to put an age too, but I’d guess late 40’s. He was wearing dark jeans and a white T-shirt that clung to his arms.
“Right, if you want to head through this way with me the studio is just through here.”
I followed Chris through the door, and I was impressed! The studio was very modern looking and clean and smelled amazing. There was some music playing quietly in the background. I think it was Chris Brown or Usher. There was a small kitchen area and then a seating area with a couple of sofas and a coffee table. Then in the far side was the photography area, with boxes and boxes stored to one side of what looked like props and then rolls overhead of different coloured backdrops.
Seeing the set up and how impressive it was, put me at ease slightly and I felt myself relax a little, but my stomach was still turning with butterflies.
"Wow, this is all very professional looking! It’s starting to feel a little real now!”
“Ah, don’t worry about that, like I said, this is your shoot. We’ll take it as slow as you like, and you don’t need to do anything you’re not comfortable with. Now before we start, can I get you a drink? I can do tea, coffee, water or I’ve cans of pop, a few beers or some wine and prosecco.”
“I’ll take a small prosecco please.”
“No problem, take a seat and by all means leave your jacket and bags over there if you like.”
I put my bag on one sofa and my jacket on top of it and sat on the other, looking around at everything in the studio.
“Take a flick through those books on the table if you like; the black one is my boudoir and glamour book; it’s full of some of my favourite shots.”
I started to flick through it, with the first section being all the boudoir shots that I’d seen on the website with a couple of additions.
Chris arrived back with my drink and passed it to me. I took a small sip, then popped it on the coffee table and carried on looking. After a couple of more pages, it moved to the “glamour” section. The difference being the photos suddenly got a lot racier. In the boudoir section the women were all in lingerie and on the odd one where they had removed their bra, they were using their hands to cup and cover their boobs. The glamour section though, left a lot less to the imagination, with the majority of the poses being completely topless with boobs fully on show and in others, the women looked completely naked but were positioned/posed so as not to show any more than their boobs. On the last page were 4 images where the model was even in a pose that implied, they were naked and giving off a sort of POV angle as if a guy was doing something to them!
“Don’t worry about those shots Nat, that’s the glamour shots. We’ve got you booked for a boudoir shoot and I know how apprehensive you were so please don’t let them frighten you! We’ll just be trying some of the shots at the start. Were there any in particular that you liked and would like to try?”
I flicked back to the first few pages.

“To be honest Chris, I can’t see how I’m going to look as good as any of these – regardless of the pose.”
“Let’s start with just taking some face shots, get you used to being in front of the camera and go from there”
I put the book down back on the table and grabbed my drink, taking a good gulp.
“Where do you want me to stand?”
“It’s ok, just stay sat there. Try and be natural, looking around the room. Hold your drink if you want, take another sip, just do what feels natural and pretend I’m not here.”
Pretty impossible to pretend there wasn’t a big camera next to my face, I thought…but ok!
Chris started to take a few quick photos and I couldn’t help but smile in my nervousness.
“I’m not here remember Nat, just be natural.”
I tried to make myself focus and look more serious and took another sip of my drink.
Click, Click, Click, Click, Click.
“Now, try doing a couple of simple expressions to the camera. Firstly, look right down the lens and smile. As in, teeth beaming smile! Then try and adjust your expression however you feel, and I’ll snap away.”
Click, Click, Click, Click, Click.
“Right now, lets just have a look at these here on the camera. Wow. Nat, see just look at these!”
Chris turned the screen to me and showed me a close up of just my lips as the glass of prosecco touched it. The entire background was dark and my bright red lips contrasted with the light off the glass. The first ones were good, but then he flicked to the ones of me posing and I just felt so cringey.
“Oh god, I hate how I look there!”
“Wow look at this, now that’s a sexy look.”
Chris flicked to the image and he must have captured it as i was adjusting my facial expression as it appeared it was biting my lip. One with my eyes wide open down the lens and another where they’re closed. I must have blinked at that precise second.
“See that’s all there is to it! You’re going to be great. Would you like to try some full-length shots?”
“Ok, shall I stand?”
“Let’s head over to the backdrops. If you could stand where the X is on the floor, please and again, don’t look at me and forget I’m here, just stand as natural as possible.”
Whilst I’d started to get a bit more relaxed, I was far from being relaxed enough to enjoy myself and look anything other than rigid and silly.
“Is this ok?” I asked nervously
“Yes, that’s great to start! Lovely, yes, lovely Nat. Now just turn slightly away from me to your left.”
“Like this?”
“Yes, perfect. Now with your back more towards me, look back over your shoulder and stare straight at me. Don’t smile.”
“Like this?”
“Turn a little more away from me, yep there, now hold that pose.”
Click Click Click Click
“Great Nat, that’s great.”
I thought I’d feel silly standing having someone take my photo like this but to be honest, it didn’t bother me in the slightest. I was surprised at how easy it seemed. I assume Chris was being nice saying it was all great and perfect, and the photos would probably look awful, but regardless I felt good in the situation so was happy to carry on.
“How do you feel Nat?”
“I’m fine, it’s fine. I think you’re being too nice about my posing though; it must look as awkward as anything.”
“Do you want to come and see the images?”

Chris came over with the camera again and showed me all the shots.
I was blown away at how good the shots look. I was literally just stood in a pair of jeans and T-shirt, but he’d managed to make the photo (and me) look great!
“They’re amazing, I can’t believe how good they look for such simple shots.”
“Well we’ve got a combination of a professional set up and a stunning subject! I’m really looking forward to seeing what shots we can get based on these.”
Was that a bit of a flirt I thought to myself? A stunning subject? Me? Well, I’ll take it I thought. I honestly couldn’t believe how I looked in the shots. I felt awkward and that I’d look stupid and then seeing them like I did, to be honest almost made me become completely relaxed about it. Well as relaxed as anyone can be in that situation.
“I’m happy to try and do some actual poses if you like?”
“Nat, it’s your shoot. You tell me what you’re comfortable with and I’ll work with that.”
“Ok, well could we maybe try some with my T-shirt off, but everything else still on?”
“Absolutely. If it’s ok with you I’d like to focus them from your waist up. So, on the photo at least you could just be in your underwear, is that ok?”
And as I finished, I lifted my T-shirt over my head. I walked back over to my bag and jacket and left it there and walked back to the X on the backdrop. I quickly flicked my hair back into position. I actually felt pretty good at this point now.
“Ok, ready.”
Click Click Click Click Click
“That’s great Nat, now try leaning forwards looking right at the camera.”
“Like this?”
“That’s it, now look directly at the camera again and this time I want you to bite your bottom lip.”
Click Click Click
“Brilliant, that’s great.”
After a few more clicks Chris walked over to me and again offered me a look at the photos on the screen.
I was absolutely amazed at how they looked and how I looked in them. It was almost like I was looking at another person! As if it wasn’t even me. I’d not feel this good in years. My boobs looked great, especially when I was leaning forward and risking them spill out. I’d not felt this sexy in years.
Without any prompt from Chris, I walked back over to the sofa, removed my heels and undid my jeans. Peeling them off my ass and legs and standing out of them, before putting my heels back on. I necked the rest of my prosecco and walked back over to the backdrop.

“Someone’s feeling more confident then?” Chris quirked.
“Haha, you could say that!”
“Did you bring a robe for between shots? If not, we’ve got a few you’re welcome to borrow, so you can cover yourself between poses?”
“it’s fine, you’re seeing everything when taking the photos anyway.”
“Ok then, for these next shots I want you to face away from me so your back and bum is facing the camera, then turn your head back and stare in to the camera again.”
“Like this?”
“Oh wow! Yeah, like that.”
Click Click Click Click
“Now, if you’re comfortable with it I’d like you to get down on all fours and in a similar way, look back over your shoulder at me”
“Like this?”
Chris paused for a second.
“Chris? Like this??”
“Yeah, sorry Nat, yeah just like that! Wow!”
“Nat these are amazing shots. We’ve probably got about 20-30 shots so far working in your initial outfit and this underwear. Conscious of time, did you bring any alternatives or are you happy to carry on as you are?”
“I’ve brought something Chris, but I’ll be honest. I ordered it and I’ve never even tried it on.”
“Well, it’s up to you, there’s no pressure. We can get more great shots in what you’re wearing now if you prefer?”
“Let me go try the other outfit on and see what it’s like, do you have somewhere I can fully change?”
“Of course, Nat, if you head just through that door towards the toilet there’s a changing room on the left. There’s a full-length mirror in there too, so take your time and see what you think.”
I grabbed my bag and strutted off through the door in just my heels, thong and bra. I sensed Chris’ eyes on me for every step.
I got in the changing room and checked myself out in the mirror. Not eating all day had done wonders for my mum tum but wasn’t the best preparation for the two glasses of prosecco I’d had. I unpacked the new underwear. It really was stunning.
I slipped off my current underwear and whilst doing so couldn’t help noticing how wet my pussy had got. I let my fingers explore and run between my lips. I’d not felt myself this wet in years, not even during sex!

“How are you getting on, Nat?” Chris shouted from the hall startling me and making me quickly remove my hand from my clit.
“All good, I’ll be out in a second.”
I recomposed myself and slid myself into the new thong. The red material was almost entirely seen through, but the black lace pattern on top covered specific areas to ensure nothing much was on show. Though I did notice my landing strip could be made out between the lace patterns.
I then quickly unclipped my bra and took it down and then squeezed (and I mean squeezed) myself in to the new one. Again, the red material was practically see through, but the black lace was positioned to cover my nipples, with the exception of there being a slight hint of areola on both sides between the lace pattern. The style of bra meant my boobs were practically pushed up under my chin. They looked huge.
I had a quick couple of seconds checking myself out in the mirror and then headed back out.
As I walked back to the studio Chris was adjusting something on the camera. As his head lifted, he did a double take of me.
“Wow, what a stunning sight! We’re going to capture some amazing shots with you dressed like that.”
We went through the same motions of Chris directing me into particular positions and then taking the photos from different angles around me. He’d taken another probably 30 shots of me now.
“Right, we’re coming up to the last part of the shoot, so if there are any particular shots you want to try to get, now’s the time for us to try them.”
“Honestly Chris, I’m not sure. Let me go check that book some more and see.”
“Of course, take your time. I’ve not got anyone booked in after you, so if we need a bit longer it’s not a problem.”
“Ah great,” I replied whilst heading back to the sofa.
I flicked through the book again. The majority of the shots we’d already done except for the ones without a bra. I looked over the girls posing in those shots admiring their bodies and at the same time thinking about how good I thought mine had looked in the mirror.
“Let's try some of these,” I said to Chris whilst walking towards him holding the book.
“Absolutely Nat, if you’re comfortable to let's go for it.”
I headed back to the sofa to put the book back, not realising Chris had headed to one of the prop cupboards. Whilst at the sofa I started to unclip my bra. As I started removing it down my arms Chris said from across the room,
“Now, Nat usually with these ones the woman will wear one of the robes between shots so if you want….
Not really paying attention to what he said I removed my bra and let it fall on the sofa and turned around to hear him better. Stood facing him full on in just my heels and thong, doing nothing to cover my chest…
“Sorry Chris what did you say?”
Chris stopped speaking entirely.
“Chris? Sorry, what were you saying?”

“Sorry Nat, Sorry. That was awfully unprofessional of me. Here, I was saying the woman usually covers her chest with a robe between takes and then can remove it, get her hands in position ensuring she’s always covered in front of me.”
He apologised but I loved his reaction. This is a guy that must have seen dozens if not hundreds of women like this and yet seeing me like it made him lose his trail of thought completely and just get lost by the sight in front of him. It felt like forever since I’d been able to make a guy do that.
“Well I think we’ve passed that now, haven’t we?” I replied whilst taking the robe from him and placing it on the sofa.
The confidence I’d gained from Chris’ reaction flowed through me and I’d started to feel even more turned on. Whether it was the slight chill or being stood completely topless in front of a man that wasn’t my partner, I’m not sure. But my nipples were rock hard now and I had goosebumps all over my skin.
“Right, lets get on with it,” I said as I walked back over to the backdrop.
I laid myself down on the floor as Chris got himself in the position to take photos from above me. I was staring straight at the camera cupping both boobs in my hands to cover my nipples. Arching my back to push my chest higher.
Click Click Click
“Perfect Nat, an absolute natural.”
I smiled.
Click Click Click
“They look really cheeky with your smile!”
Feeling brave and without warning, I lowered my hands away.
Click Click Click
“Oops sorry Nat, I didn’t realise you were going to move. I’d have stopped taking the shots”
“No Chris, it’s fine. I did it intentionally, keep going if you want to.”
Click, click, click went the camera as Chris took photos of me in nothing but a thong, laid on the floor, smiling whilst my boobs were there in full view of the camera!
Still lying on the floor…
“Direct me for a few glamour shots Chris, I want to try them.”
“Absolutely Nat, if you’re happy to.”
“Right keep in that pose, but this time I want you to bite your lip and place your right hand on your crotch.”
“Like this?”
“Perfect.” Click Click
“Now move your hand to make it look as if you’re about to slide it into your thong.”
“Like this?”
“That’s great! If you’re happy to go a little lower. I’m trying to give the impression you're teasing yourself.”
“Ok, like this?”

I lowered my hand, so it was entirely in my thong and allowed my finger to run down my clitoris and opening as it did. Well, why just give the impression it was there? I’m sure it was discreet enough to go unnoticed. If Chris had noticed, he didn’t give the impression he had.
“Oh wow, stay just like that.”
I kept my hand where it was but was discreetly rubbing slightly. I was so wet, I was certain it would show on the photos.
“Right, do you want to try some poses on your knees and all fours like that? As I keep saying, you don’t have to Nat, it’s your shoot.”
“No that’s fine, lets try them too,” I replied as I removed my hand and positioned myself on all fours.
At first, I was in a pretty standard pose. I wasn’t exactly trying to create a pose. I didn’t really know what Chris wanted.
“Can you try just pushing your bum back slightly Nat?”
“Like this?”
“That’s great, now as I click, I want you to try and push it further back and lower your back and head towards the ground as you do.”
Chris was now directly behind me and to be honest, I wasn’t even sure the thong was covering everything it should in this position. With my knees apart, I slowly started pushing back and then lowered my head and chest to the ground pushing my arms out in front of me.
Click Click Click Click
“Wow Nat! These are amazing! What a sight to see in person!”
Another flirty comment!
“If it’s ok, I’d like to try that again, but this time can you try looking back over your shoulder towards me?”
“I’ll try Chris.”
As I knelt back on all fours, I wanted to check my thong was sat correctly. As I leaned forward I reached back with my hand to check. It was, thankfully!
“Wow, Nat! Now that was a shot! Can you do that again whilst I try and get a shot of it”
“What? Reach my arm down again?”
“Yes, to imply you’re reaching to tease yourself again.”
“With my hand inside my underwear again?”
“Just do what feels natural to you when your hand gets to that position.”
I reached back down, with my right arm reaching underneath and between my legs. Chris took photos as I moved it further and further back before I eventually rested my fingers on the outside of my thong, directly over my pussy. It was soaking. Not damp or wet. It was soaking in my juice.
“Stay there Nat, it’s a great shot.”
I couldn’t help myself. I’d not felt this sexy and aroused in ages. I’d not felt myself this wet in over 4 years. I rubbed myself through my thong whilst Chris stayed behind me. The clicking stopped.
I couldn’t.
Without even thinking about where I was I let my fingers gently push my thong to the side and rubbed myself, sliding two fingers in to my opening and circling them inside myself.

“Nat! What the fuck!
“Am I photoing this?”
“If you think it looks good, yeah,” I replied.
“Fucking hell!” Chris replied, and instantly I heard Click, Click, Click again.
My fingers had now left my opening and were rubbing my clit.
Chris had moved in front of me
“I want a shot of your face.”
I looked straight at the lens, almost seeing straight through it to Chris and let him capture every expression as I pleasured myself.
I was completely lost in the moment now.
Chris had gone back behind me, but I couldn’t hear the camera clicking. I looked back over my back and could see him just stood watching me.
I stopped myself. Turned around on my knees and moved towards him.
I was now knelt right in front of him, and as I got close enough I moved my hands up Chris’ legs. As my right hand ran up his left leg I felt it move over his bulge. My hands reached the top of his trousers and without even pausing I unbuckled his belt, undid his button and unzipped them.
“Nat... what are you? Nat! What are we doing! We shouldn’t.”
My actions didn’t pause whilst Chris tried to mutter his contemplation. By the time he’d finished the word “shouldn’t” I had his rock hard, thin and long cock at the tip of my mouth.
“We shouldn’t Chris, but we’re still going to, aren’t we?” was my response and I immediately slid my mouth over the head of his cock whilst stroking down his shaft.
I continued to take another inch or so of him in my mouth whilst stroking it still, before letting it all slide out. I admired it whilst stroking it a couple more times, noticing the glint of precum covering his end.

“You’re really long aren’t you!” I said before running my tongue around the head and sliding at least 4 inches of him into my mouth. My right hand holding the base of his shaft and my left was on his hip. His length was great, and too much for me to take all of. Far longer than my partner, but much thinner too, meaning I didn’t have to open my jaw wide to suck him.
His hands were now placed on my head, and I continued to stroke and suck him for what felt like a minute or two but was probably no more than 30 seconds.
“Lie on your back, Nat.”
I stopped what I was doing, slowly letting his cock fall out of my mouth.
I laid myself down on the floor, opening my legs as I did and running my hand back down between my legs. I pulled my thong to one side and teased myself whilst watching Chris remove his trousers and boxers completely and lift his top over his head. He was thin but toned with it. He was now moving towards me, completely naked.
As he knelt down in front of me, he reached his arms to my hips and started to pull down the sides of my thong to remove it. I lifted my bum off the floor allowing them to slip off easier. My hand was still teasing my clit and running between my opening. Without even saying anything to me Chris lowered his head towards me, and I watched, looking down as he brought his tongue out of his mouth, and it met my wet pussy.
I gave out a light moan as his tongue travelled down from clit right down to my ass, where he stopped and circled the edge of my hole a few times before licking back up and then repeating the circling motion around my clit.
“Do that thing again to my ass!” I pleaded.
“This?” Chris muttered back as I felt his head travelling back down before feeling his tongue at my bum hole again.
“Yessss that!!”

I started moving my hand down to play with my clit, but Chris beat me to it. I felt him slide his fingers either side of it, then he started to play it copying the motions his tongue was doing below.
“Oh fuck, I’m cumming already,” I cried out
“I’m gonna cum Chris! Don’t stop!” I begged
His actions quickened and deepened. As his hand applied more pressure to my clit his tongue did the same. My body tensed, causing it to judder before I moaned and as it echoed around the studio, I felt myself explode. Chris moved his tongue slightly higher to catch my cum as it ran down out of me. My entire pussy was throbbing, and his every lick sent ripples through my body.
I was lying, legs still spread, breathing so heavy that my chest was moving hard enough to make my boobs move. Chris crawled on his knees towards my head. As he did his left hand grabbed hold my left boob. He cupped it, circling his thumb over my nipple. As I turned my head in delight at the feeling, I noticed his cock only inches from my face.
I lifted my back and head from the floor toward it and took 3-4 inches in my mouth again.
“Wait there a second, let me just grab this.”
Chris stood up away from and walked over to his clothes, picking up his camera. He walked back to me and knelt down at my head again.
“Shall we carry on with the shoot?”
I looked him straight in the eyes smiling, as if to give my approval and then again returned my mouth to his cock.
Click Click Click Click
We were well past boudoir and glamour. This was porn now.
Chris was taking photo after photo. Some looking straight down at my head and his cock disappearing into my mouth, others looking down at my naked body and my open legs, where my right hand had now travelled down between.
As I started to tease myself again, Chris moved his body back from mine and his cock slid out of my mouth again.
He moved himself over on the floor and then lay down. His long thin body was laid flat to the floor, but his long thin cock was stood at 90 degrees straight up from him.
“Oh, that’s how you want it is it?” I said, before crawling over to him and climbing up on to his body.
I straddled over him, my knees spread either side of his torso.
I reached beneath me and took his shaft in my hand.
Moving my bum back as I guided his top to my opening. He pointed the camera straight at me and as I pushed my body down and slid my pussy over his cock, he took several photos of my face.
I begin to grind myself on him, pushing his cock as deep inside me as I could. He put his camera down and placed both hands on my hips. I started to ride him quicker, making my boobs bounce with each movement. I’d been riding him for over a minute and could see in his face he was close. I got quicker and pressed my body harder. I could feel his body tensing and stiffening.
“I’m gonna cum. Nat, I’m gonna cum.”
“I know Chris, I know,” I moaned back.

No sooner had I spoke, I felt him explode inside me. Chris groaned loudly and I matched him with my moans as I felt myself being filled with his cum, before cumming again myself all down him.
My motions slowed and softened, and I felt his cock go soft. As I stopped and started to climb off, he slid out of me and his cock was followed by a trail of cum, a mix of his and my own which then ran all over his torso as I stood and started to step away from him.
I headed over to the sofa area, grabbed my underwear and then headed to the bathroom.
As I walked in, I was greeted by my reflection. I looked myself up and down, amazed at what I’d just allowed myself to do! I got on with cleaning myself up and got my underwear back on. I headed back out in to the studio and Chris was now redressing.
“Would you like a drink Nat? Cup of tea?” Chris offered, “Or something stronger?” he added.
“I’m ok thanks, I’d better head off! We’re late!” I replied as I started to get dressed.
Chris seemed disappointed.
“Ok Nat, no problem. Look, that was amazing. I hope you don’t think that’s what always happens! I swear it never has before!”
“I’m fine Chris, honestly! I enjoyed it!” I replied with a smirk on my face.
“What do you want to do about the photos? Usually, I have them ready in a fortnight or so and we can then arrange a studio viewing and you decide if you want any to keep.”
“That’s fine, let me know and we can get something set up. Is it usually just the model that attends the viewing?” I queried
“That’s completely up to the model but let me know if you’re bringing someone and I’ll make sure the final section isn’t included,” Chris replied.
“Yeah that would be a good idea!” I replied with a slight laugh.
Now fully dressed I was practically ready to leave.
“Right, I’ll make a move then. Ill wait to hear from you in a couple of weeks or so.”
“Yes! Great! I’ll let you know as soon as they’re ready… and Nat, seriously. That was amazing.”
“It was! Thank you, I really needed that! See you in a few weeks,” I replied.
And with that I picked up my bags and headed off.

Thanks for reading x