TITLE: Seducing A Wife At The Casino
CLUBHOUSE: bigheadtodd
AGE: 41 - 50
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I've loved all of the stories here for years, defniitely love the true stories more than fiction. As part of a swinging couple, I have plenty of stories of my own, thought I'd finally toss one out and see how it goes...

This happened during the summer several years ago. My family had summers off, so she and the kids would visit family out-of-state all Summer, and then I would join them for the last few weeks. While they were gone, she always gave me a Hall Pass, told me to go make new friends that she could meet in the Fall!

One Friday morning, I was on a swinger website, and saw a Connections post from a man looking for someone to seduce his wife. He said it was a fantasy of hers. I contacted him, we chatted, and he gave me the details. They were attending a concert at a nearby casino, and had a room for the night. After the concert, she was going to play slots for a bit, and that was where I was supposed to meet her. He sent me pics so that I would know who to look for. She was super cute!

I arrived at the casino about 90 minutes after the concert started, and hung out by the exit. I did not know it at this time, but although she had definitely discussed this fantasy with him, she did not know he was setting it up for that night! People started pouring out of the concert auditorium, and I spotted them. She was as cute as her pics, if not cuter, and wearing a sexy dress that stopp about 3 inches above the knees. They walked toward the casino, she turned and kissed him, and they separated, with her heading into the casino area and him heading toward the room.

I followed her in, keeping my distance, and watched as she sat down at a slot machine. She was sitting in the last seat of that row, with only one machine on her left, the aisle on her right. Before I could move to sit down, another woman came and sat on her left. I was screwed, my plan had been to play slots next to her and strike up a conversation. I couldn't exactly just walk up to her and start hitting on her! So I waited.
And waited. And waited. For more than 40 minutes, these two women sat in their seats playing the same damn machines. Meanwhile, I was doing my best to hover without looking creepy or attracting the attention of the caisno security! Finally, my "target" stodd up and started walking. She sat down at another machine, I waited about 30 seconds, and took the seat next to her. Step 1 finally accomplished!

As I sat down, I said Hi, she smiled and said Hi back. We sat there playing for a few minutes, and I started idle conversation, asking if she played slots often, did she have much success, simply questions. She asked if I was from around tehre, and I said no, that I was traveling. She asked if I was married, I said yes, asked her the same, she said yes. We played and chatted like that for about 15 minutes before she said she was getting chilly. I said "Yeah, they do keep it pretty cool in here." She gave me a mischievous smile and said "Well, it might help if I was wearing panties." I think my jaw dropped a little bit, because her smile got bigger.

The conversation started getting more serious. She asked if I was allowed to play while I travel, and I (honestly) said yes, that my wife had given me a Hall Pass. Since she had opened that door, I asked her if SHE was allowed to play, and she said that she and her husband were swingers (as I already knew). I asked if she was serious about the panties, so ahe grinned, turned her seat toward me, spread her legs slightly and lifted her dress to show me her bare pussy. I think I gulped at that point.

So we played slots for another 15 minutes or so, and she said "I'm about done here, would you like to head up to my room?" I quickly agreed, and we walked out of the casino, through the lobby, and to the elevators. We got to the room, she opened the door, walked in ahead of me, and was naked before I could close the door. She had just slipped the straps off her shoulders and let the dress drop.

She was beautiful, so hot and sexy. She climbed onto the bed while I was undressing, layed back with her head on the pillows, and said "Do you like eating pussy?" I said "Hell yes!" She spread her legs wide open and said "Well, come and get it!" You don't need to tell me twice, I dove in and ate like the fat kid at Ryan's Buffet! She was already very wet, and tasted so good. She responded to my tongue, giving me good cues about what was working and what wasn't, and I took my time with her, edging her a few times before finally pushing her to cum all over my face. I gave her a minute to catch her breath, and slowly started up again, this time guiding her to an orgasm more quickly.

She sat up, hooked her hands under my arms and dragged me up toward her face. "Fuck me now!" she said, guiding my cock into her soaking wet pussy. And so I did. She came several more times. I came hard once, and then with a smaller load after we'd taken a break and a shower.

When we noticed that the sun was rising, we figured I better get going. I had no idea where her husband was during all of this. I dressed, we exchanged numbers, and I headed down to the lobby. And there he was, sitting on a bench by the elevators, I assume he had been there all night long, waiting, knowing that I would come down in an elevator eventually. We just nodded to each other as I exited the elevator, no words were exchanged, but we both smiled. Apparently he was a bit of a cuckold, we learned more about that when my wife returned and we played with them as couples. But that is another story for another time.

The next day, I message him to thank him for sharing his wife with me. I asked him if she enjoyed the night, and he said yes, she was extremely happy with it. That was when I learned that she did not know it was a setup. Which is probably a good thing, I would have felt extra pressure if I'd known I'd been truly tasked with seducing a married woman!