"Let me ask all the questions that you always want to know the answers to." - Raven
Red Hot
"Yes of course I've had an extra marital affair ... hasn't everyone?"

Watchersweb is pleased to announce the addition of its new submission feature "RED HOT INTERVIEWS"

Raven will be offering the opportunity for any submitter to do a personal interview, which will appear on their submission.

The interview will be VERY PERSONAL and will give each viewer an insight into the REAL personality of submitters.

Below is more information for both submitters and viewers.

We hope you enjoy the new feature, and we look forward to presenting it to you on a permanent basis.

Best Wishes,
Raven and The Crew

Submitter Information

After you upload your submission to us, a new page will open, offering you the opportunity to complete the RED HOT INTERVIEW.
You can answer as many questions as you like for it to appear - you don't have to answer all of them.
If you don't wish to participate in the interview, simply don't answer any questions, and NO INTERVIEW will appear. EASY.
Remember, the more a viewer knows about you, the more chance of Votes!
Viewer Information

The Interviews will be available to read on the submission page. A link "RED HOT INTERVIEW" will be located on the right hand side of the story box.
If there is no link there, this means the submitter has chosen NOT to do an interview on this occasion.
I encourage all viewers to show their appreciation of the Homemodel who has taken the time to complete the interview.