TITLE: Wife's New Rule: No More Sex Before Or At Work
LOCATION: MadeUp1810 - USA
AGE: 31 - 40
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My (28m) wife (34f) recently got promoted. She's been a police officer for about 8 years, and now she's a detective. The only female detective at that! Pretty cool right?? Well, before she'd leave for work, sometimes she'd either wake up wet and ready, or I'd be rock hard so we'd have a go in the shower or over the bathroom sink. It was a standard practice for us.

This become more often after her promotion, due to her outfit change for work. She now wears business casual and it's so hot seeing a powerful women dressed like that to me. She's irresistible to me when she's got her dress slacks, no shirt, and lacy bra on. I go nuts. One morning I get out of the shower and she's standing there looking like that. I just dry off, and go bend her over the sink and fuck her. I finish inside her like always.

Well, she pulls her slack back up, finishes getting ready, then off she goes. I get a pissed off text by the time I leave and get to my job. I guess on the way to get office she got a call and had to respond. She said it was so annoying taking a statement from a guy and feeling my cum run into her underwear. She said she's getting wet while talking to a suspect. She was pissed at me! Obviously she gets over it by the end of the day so no worries there.

Flash forward a few weeks later and I come to have lunch with her. The rest of her office is out at a luncheon for some guy that use to work there, but she stayed behind and I came to eat with her. We took the opportunity and I fucked her on her desk in her private office. Of course I blew in her right when she said "Don't you fucking dare cum in me." In a stern voice and moaning combo. I fucking died. Girls in power are hot. And they are even hotter with an attitude. I can't help it. She immediately feels me cumming, hissing "what the fuck is wrong with you!?" Making me cum harder.

I finish up and she now has a little attitude about it but tells me it's whatever. Just then her desk phone rings, someone's out front her office waiting to come in to talk. So I leave quickly, and the guy comes in to tell my wife some details about some case she's working. She later sends me a text just as pissed as before. But this time it's worst. When she sat down at her desk to talk to him, grabbed some papers to put them on the desk to write something for him. While filling out the papers, she felt her sleeve get wet and figured it was from her drink. She then realized it was on the middle of the desk and it hit her. It's my cum that leaked out onto her desk and she's now got it on her sleeve. Again, she's mad at me like it wasn't equally her idea.

Obviously just like before she was fine after she chewed me out a little and life's good again. No problems! However, the wife's got a new rule. No sex before or at work!!