When I was 18, ;>), there was a single lady that
rented an apartment in the house next door to us. Kim
had a young son. I felt a bit sorry for
this boy as he had no father around. I knew how tough
that was as my parents had divorced when I was about 5
and I was also living with my mom in a single parent
home. So, I’d talk with him, play catch with him and
take him places with me once in a while. Kim, about 28,
slim and reasonably attractive, really appreciated
this. She would thank me and talk to me like a grownup. Being a teenager, I certainly enjoyed the
attention of a woman like her.
As time went on we talked more. Occasionally Kim would
say things that could clearly have a double meaning of
a sexual nature but I was insecure and never dared to
carry the conversation further in that kind of a
direction, even though it was clear she was doing so
My sister would baby sit for Kim on occasion and also
for Kim’s sister who lived close by. One time my
sister wasn’t able to baby sit and the two sisters
wanted to go out one evening so they asked me if I’d
sit for them. I said sure and that evening walked to
the sister’s place. Kim and her left and said they
would be home about 1AM. It was about 9PM and the kids
were just going to bed so it was really pretty easy. I
just watched TV until they got home.
When they got home it was clear they’d been partying.
Kim’s sister started giggling and teasing me about my
payment and how I wanted it. She suggested paying me
in the bedroom. I became flustered and didn’t know
what to say while at the same time wanting to charge
right in there with her. Kim seen I was embarrassed
and laughingly told her sister that was enough. They
paid me and I left.
At some point Kim became pregnant and had a baby girl.
This took up more of her time and I would spend more
time with her son. He was 7 or 8 at this point. One
day I went to Kim’s apartment to see if her son wanted
to come out and play catch. When I knocked he opened
the door and I stepped in. I couldn’t see Kim but she
was talking to me from another room. I asked if her
son could come out to play ball and she said fine.
Then she said very directly, ‘I’m sorry I can’t come
out to talk to you, I’m FEEDING the baby.’ There was
no question she wanted me to know exactly what she was
doing. I didn’t know what to say and was again
flustered so I just said ok and quickly left with her
A few weeks later while talking to me she mentioned
that she was looking for a new place to move to as her
place was going to be sold or something. I told her
that my mom had talked about renting our upstairs at
different times but certainly not right away. I didn’t
think anything more of it. A few days later I got home
from school and was alone at home. Mom’s working and
my sisters are off someplace else. There’s a knock at
our door and when I answer it, Kim is standing there.
She is in a white tee shirt with no bra on. She had
small perky breasts and her nipples were hard and
poking out the tee shirt. Her areolas were clearly
visible through the thin white shirt. I was
alternating between looking at her and her breasts.
She asked me if she could possibly see the upstairs
apartment. Us kids were living in the upstairs at the
time so I told her to come in and up the stairs we
went. I was scared and excited at the same time. I
knew she was doing this on purpose and the opportunity
was right there for me. Ya, I was a virgin still. I
showed her the bathroom, kitchen area, living area and
my sister’s bedrooms. Then I take her to my bedroom.
When I opened the door and said this is my room Kim
looked right at me and said ‘so this is YOUR room’. It
was right there for me and I knew it but just didn’t
have the confidence to go for it. I said ya and then
pulled the door closed. She knew then that it wasn’t
going to happen. We walked back downstairs without
saying anything. When she got to the door she said if
your mom ever wants to rent it please let me know and
walked back to her place.
That was the last time I really had much of a chance
for anything to happen with her. Soon after I
graduated from high school and moved on with my life.
I’ve always wondered with a little more confidence how
much would have happened.