TITLE: I Gave SIL A Massage
LOCATION: Icy-Association4467
VOTES: 1,935
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Spent my saturdays this summer helping my sister in law (wife's sister) fix up her house. My SIL is a bit overweight and dresses frumpy, but she is still pretty. She also has very large breasts unlike her flat chested sister (my wife). Not dressing up also means that my SIL often goes without a bra. Anyway, a summer of seeing her tits bouncing free with her nipples poking through her shirt was having an effect on me, more than i probably realized.

I started finding excuses to touch her. Every time i had to walk past her I would put my hand on her shoulder or back like i was letting her know not to back up or like i was trying not to bump her. When i was done working i would flop on the couch next to her and spend some time chatting. She was usually on her phone, i'd ask her what she was doing and she would tilt her phone so i could see. I Would lean in when she showed me things, touch her leg, or "accidently" touch her butt, or stomach depending on our position on the furniture.

One day when i finished she was sitting at the table rubbing her neck. So i offered a shoulder massage. Id rubbed her neck a few times when we were with my wife so I wasnt thinking anything of it. My hands slipped beneath the collar of her shirt directly on her neck and shoulders. Sure enough no bra straps in my way. The massage was helping because she leaned back into me and the massage, which changed everything. Her collar wasn't low cut but the new angle allowed me to see quite a bit down her shirt. Her nipples were still covered but i could see her cleavage and a good portion of the tops of he veluptious breasts.

She moved forward, but i wanted more. I lifted the collar of her with the fingers of one hand to take another peak. I realized what i was doing and I stopped myself, only to try again in a few moments. Warring with my anamalistic desires. Finally i stopped the message made an excuse and left. I wanted more but knew i shouldn't. I wondered if she was aware of what i was doing. The problem is that i could not get the image out of my mind, so ... well to be continued.