TITLE: Watching The Show
AGE: 22 - 30
VOTES: 2,500
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Every second week, my employer would send me to work in the next town over. It was 2 hours from my place, but I didn’t mind since it gave me a chance to catch up with my sister, Marie. She lived in a four-bedroom house with two other girls. Anna was the lease holder and had a room upstairs like my sister Marie did. Janice had a room in the basement and was often either sleeping or working nights. We didn’t see her much. That left a room in the basement for me. Instead of paying for a hotel, my boss agreed to pay me half the cost of the hotel room to find my own place to stay. This helped the girls with rent.

We all got along well and were quite comfortable with each other by now. It was common for us to lounge in pajamas after work. Anna was 5’ 4” with dark curly hair. She wore her moderately chubby figure well, but in my opinion, her quiet confidence was the biggest turn on for me. I remember a time when Anna and I were watching a movie in the living room. There was a scene where an actress walked around nude for what seemed like forever. I did my best to hide the tent in my pants, but she saw it. After a bit of teasing, she told me not to worry about it since it was normal. After that she didn’t hesitate to tease me when any woman appeared on the screen “how you doing over there? Need a minute?” All in good fun.

The following week, after a long day at work, I returned to the house looking forward to a warm shower to decompress before heading out to visit family with my sister. Luckily, I still had two hours before she got home, so no need to rush. I walked into the house and saw Anna relaxing in the living room. “Hi Anna” I said. “Hi Matt” replied a friendly voice. I went downstairs to take a shower. Once undressed, I turned the shower handle, but nothing happened. No water. What the hell? I fiddled with it to no avail. I got dressed and went upstairs to report my findings to Anna. As the lease holder, she did a good job of managing rent and communicating with the landlord about maintenance issues in the house.

“Hi Matt, what’s up?” Said Anna. “Was gonna take a shower but it won’t turn on”. I said.
“Oh yeah, Janice mentioned this morning that there was a leak down there, so we turned off the water to the bathroom. The plumber will be here tomorrow. Feel free to use the one upstairs”. “Awesome thanks!” I replied.

I walked into the bathroom with my soap and towel and closed the door. I turned on the water, hopped in and closed the shower curtain. After washing up, I just stood there enjoying the warm water running down my body, thoughts drifting. Now relaxed, I could feel my erection growing. I often masturbated in the shower. It was a great way to decompress after a long day and made for easy cleanup. I started stroking. After a while I could feel that familiar sensation building up. I closed my eyes and let my mind wander, not really thinking about anything in particular.
Suddenly, I heard the bathroom door open. Shit, I thought it was locked. "I can't hold it anymore. What are you doing in there? ," It was Anna, her voice muffled by the sound of the water. I guess I’d been in here a while, the surprise bringing me back to reality.

"You know" I replied, not bothering to come up with any real excuse. I heard her chuckle and sit down, followed by the sound of her peeing.

"No peeking," she said. “yup” I replied, but in the moment I couldn’t resist the temptation. I peeked through the shower curtain trying to be stealth. I saw her sitting on the toilet, her legs spread apart as she peed. Her pussy was nicely trimmed. I loved how the curves of her hips and legs were accentuated from sitting. But then she looked in my direction and rolled her eyes at me. I quickly hid again behind the curtain, embarrassed. But it was too late. "You're such a perv," she said, but with a hint of amusement in her voice.

She had seen me looking and shrugged it off. Screw it I though, may aswell finish what I was doing. As I resumed stroking, I peeked again and saw her focused on wiping her pussy. I felt my dick get even harder as I watched her, the sight of her spread legs, trimmed pussy and large labia. Having already been caught peeking, I continued to stroke myself, the sensation building up inside me as I watched her.

"Fuck, that's hot," I muttered under my breath, unable to contain my excitement.
"What was that?" she asked, looking up at me with a smirk on her face.
I couldn’t help but smile, feeling a sense of excitement wash over me. I opened the shower curtain all the way, revealing my dick in my hand. Anna's eyes widened in surprise, but she didn't look away.
We were both quiet, not wanting to rouse suspicion from the other roommate.

I continued to stroke myself, feeling the pleasure build up inside me. Anna watched me, her eyes glued to my dick. I could tell she was turned on, her breathing becoming shallow and her cheeks flushed.

I reached my other hand down and started to play with my balls, the sensation adding to the pleasure building up inside me. I could feel my orgasm approaching, the familiar pressure building.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum," I gasped, my voice barely above a whisper.

Anna didn’t say anything, but I could see the excitement in her eyes. She spreads her legs wider, giving me a better view of her pussy. I could see the moisture glistening on her lips.
I came hard, shooting ropes of cum all over my stomach. Anna watched me, her eyes never leaving my dick. I could see the satisfaction in her eyes as she watched me cum.
I caught my breath and closed the shower curtain, feeling a mix of satisfaction and embarrassment. I heard her get up from the toilet and flush, and then the sound of the bathroom door opening and closing.

After drying off, I toweled up and walked out of the bathroom, expecting to see her sitting on the couch watching TV or something but she wasn’t there. I looked around the living room, but she was nowhere to be found.

I shrugged it off and went down to my room to get dressed. I walked back upstairs, sat on the couch and turned on the TV.
A few minutes later, Anna walked into the living room, a smirk on her face. "Did you enjoy the show?" she asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm. I felt my face blush, but I couldn’t help but smile. "Yeah, I did," I admitted, feeling a sense of excitement wash over me.

She shook her head, but I could see the amusement in her eyes. "You're such a perv," she said, but with no malice in her voice.
I couldn’t help but laugh, feeling a new sense of connection with Anna, wondering where this would all lead.