TITLE: Michelle Is Here
LOCATION: Veterinarian - Texas, USA
AGE: 31 - 40
VOTES: 1,564
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That’s what one of the guys replied to me asking “what’s going on?” I knew that Michelle was probably still there, but I was wondering why there was a congregation of men in one living room and what seemed to be a line going down the hall. It was on the lake and we had got there early for the supposed all night party thrown by one of her rich friends from college. MicheIle said they had had this party every year since the May they graduated. I got called back to the clinic for a computer glitch and told Michelle that I would be back in a couple of hours. I was gone much longer than expected and she had drank a lot, so I expected her to be passed out for the night in the room she had picked out for us. I gathered from what I had seen earlier that people were using more than just alcohol and coffee to stay up all night.

We had been dating hot and heavy for a little over a month. I had never dated a girl that held her liquor better than Michelle, but then, I was not much of a drinker. She was 33 at the time and I was 40. A little blonde girl, she was 5’2” and had a pretty face and green eyes. She looked even better naked than you would expect---her waist was small, her ass was soft, curvy-jiggly-round and kind of big. She had little titties with big fleshy nipples that she loved treated roughly and perfect legs. Men would turn around and stare at her if she walked by in heels and a short skirt. They were either fascinated by her legs or swaying ass or both. Those tits were so perky she rarely wore a bra. Her hot temper made her hard to get along with sometimes, but she made up for it with what was important to me; she let me fuck her on our first date and every one after that. Michelle was great in bed---she would enthusiastically fuck in any position, give me a killer handjob and expert blowjob all in one evening! She let me cum wherever I wanted, but for some reason, would never swallow my jizz. Michelle got very vocal when she came, which was very often, so you always knew what turned her on and when her orgasms started and stopped.

The lakehouse was about 35 miles away so we had small bags, I dressed casually and we took our time on the back roads in my convertible. She was acting very affectionate toward me with a lot of touching and nuzzling and soft kisses. Michelle was wearing a sleeveless top, blue jean shorts and flat sandals. When we stopped for lunch (she never ate much) and drinks, she told me that she had on a new swimsuit underneath her clothes so that she could jump in the lake as soon as we got there. I imagined that it was very small because I couldn’t tell anything about it through her outfit. “You need to know”, she said, “I didn’t go to this party the last two years and I’ve never showed up with a date before.” At the time, I didn’t know what the significance of that was.
The party house was a surprise. A big gate opened up when we entered the code. A lot of cars were there and more kept arriving. It was huge, with 2 living rooms, bars and wings of bedroom suites with balconies. Beautifully landscaped paths, stairs and walkways leading down to the lake. It was cool for an early June day. The AC was off and all the windows and doors were open and music was blaring. Everyone was surprised to see Michelle and greeted me warmly. They all raved about how good Michelle looked. The men all were checking her out like they had never seen her before even though they talked vaguely about all the good times they had over the years. I picked up from several conversations that Michelle had lost a large amount of weight since the last time she came to the party. Every time I went to the bathroom or to get us food and drinks, another guy would be chatting her up when I got back. Couples and singles started heading down to the lake after a while to go swimming. I grabbed us some towels, put on my trunks and we went down to the dock, too.

There was a mixed bag of people swimming and laying around the dock. All races, sizes, shapes---some attractive and some not so much. Michelle asked me to go up and get her a fresh bottle of wine. She had been steadily drinking since we got there. When I got back, she had moved over and grabbed some chaise lounges for us. Her shirt and shorty jean shorts were laying there. Michelle was lounging back with her eyes closed with a wrap on over her swimsuit. All of the single men there were checking her out and the attached men all were now wearing sunglasses and I suspected, discreetly looking her over, too--- even the guys with attractive partners. It all made sense when we got up to get in the water. Michelle looked around and slowly dropped her wrap revealing a green thong bikini with tiny strings tied on the sides. The top was also held on with the same tiny strings of fabric. Up front were 2 little triangles pulled tight over her flat boobs and another one barely covering her pussy and little patch of hair. We weren’t in the water very long. It was freezing cold! My dick and balls shriveled up and Michelle’s hard nipples made those bikini triangles look like tents.

After dinner, we went to our room to test out the king size mattress. As usual, it was great sex, but then the semi-privacy of the balcony called to us. We knew we would need to be quiet because there were people walking on the sidewalk just below, but everyone’s balcony doors were open, so if anybody heard us frantically fucking doggy style, they could not tell which room. As I held Michelle by the hair, yanked on her nipples and slammed my dick all the way in and out of her sloppy-wet pussy, I noticed a really huge Spanish Oak tree out between our balcony and the next wing of room’s balconies. As the night went on, people came and went, separated out into various groups and activities. As all the drinking continued, the women thinned out. About 9, I get a call that I have to go to my 24 hour clinic (I’m a Veterinarian there) the computers were all down. Michelle was understanding and having fun so I left. At midnight I get a text saying “when U B back here?” After I replied “not sure”. The next one said “don’t bother can get a ride home in morning”- I knew she was pissed. When I finished, I drove quickly back and walked in at 3:15 A.M.

I looked around, up and down to the lake and back---no Michelle---she must be in the room, I thought, but she wasn’t. Looked more all around the house and grounds. One hallway was full of partying guys and they spilled out into the living room. The music was too loud for talking and I had run out of places to look so I sat on a couch to send Michelle a text and rest, ready to drive home if no answer. I could only make out a few of the words I heard. They sounded enthusiastic, so I listened closer. The rowdy group seemed to end 3 doors down the hall. I heard “better than ever”, “hot”, “did it all”, “party girl”. Tried to make my way down the hall and got shoved back---“wait your turn” I heard, and then “pussy” and “new body”. One guy left the group and his pants were half unzipped and his shirt unbuttoned. I caught up to him and asked him “what’s going on” pointing back at the hallway. He said “Michelle is here” and walked away. I started getting an erection. I checked my phone---no answer to my “where R U” message. I knew what was happening, but as I got harder I went outside to think. There was that Spanish Oak tree---put my foot up on the lowest branch----started climbing.

Although I was tired, I got my bearings and found a limb in the shadows about 12 feet out from the balcony for that third room down the hall where the line was. The curtain and sliding glass doors were open and I could see movement on the bed. There was a dim desk lamp on and light coming from the bathroom. As my eyes began to adjust, I could see that it was her. I was hard as a rock, leaned back on another limb and unzipped my pants. Michelle was on her back with her legs up and a fat guy was on top of her between her legs thrusting quickly and sucking on her tits. When he stopped, he got dressed and walked out. Michelle went into the bathroom. When she came out, she left the bathroom door open more and I could see better. I could hear nothing, just the breeze in the tree.

She let in another guy---taller---maybe Hispanic-well built—they kissed in the doorway as it closed and got locked---he started grabbing both cheeks of her ass and sucking her titties. Michelle was still naked and got on her knees---she looked up at him while he unzipped and dropped his pants and boxers. Her blonde hair was blocking her face but I could tell that he had her licking his balls. His dick pointed up as she stroked him and it got harder. He looked bigger than me and she could still deep throat him. I was about to cum as I jacked off watching Michelle suck him in the shadows, but then he pushed her down on the floor and the bed blocked my view of everything they were doing. After a long while, that pretty face came into view. Michelle crawled up onto the bed on her stomach as the man fucked her furiously from the back. She wiggled and moved her ass all around until I heard the first sound yet---he grunted loudly and obviously shot a load up inside her. It had been only 15 minutes and he was dressed and gone!

The next man was black. Michelle’s creamy skin and blonde hair contrasted with his so much that I could tell what she was doing to him. I watched her undress him and run her fingertips all over his body as he got harder and harder. She got on her knees and sucked his cock until he picked her up and threw her on the bed. He licked her ass and her pussy, then fucked her missionary with her legs together. I could tell by the way she shuddered with his last thrust that Michelle had cum, too. I came myself about the same time and almost fell out of the tree!
When the bathroom door opened again, the man she let in was a drunk one that I recognized from the hall and was her friend Lisa’s husband. He had not recognized me in the hall. As he undressed, Michelle laid down on the carpet between the bed and the balcony, then he straddled her with his dick in her mouth---she caressed it with both hands. I had a good view and was hoping to hear something but they never said a word. It was as if they had done this many times before! She turned on her side facing me and he entered her pussy from the rear spoon like. He pinched her nipples and kissed her neck while they slowly fucked. He and Michelle both came in just a few minutes and he was gone.