TITLE: Secretary's Flight
LOCATION: JustinTyme92 - USA
AGE: 31 - 40
VOTES: 2,381
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My executive assistant is really close to myself and my wife. She's been working for me for about 8 years and she and my wife talk pretty much daily. My EA books our family vacations, organizes a large part of my life, and coordinates my business travel with my wife.

I would describe her and my wife as close personal friends.

My EA is 33, she's never been married, and while she's dated here and there, she's never really been in a relationship in the time she's worked for me.

I'd describe her as a loner. She's someone comfortable in her own company.

She's smart, a good conversationalist, and pretty, but she's probably carrying 40-50lbs above an ideal weight for someone her height. She's not obese, but she's somewhere between "big boned" and "plus size".

My wife says this freaks out her confidence with men... honestly though, she's my assistant, and her love life isn't my business. I tell this to my wife ALL THE TIME, but my wife is a woman and she likes to talk to other women about their love lives and the sex lives... and then my wife likes to share with me.

My EA just got back from vacation late last week. She went to Europe and Japan by herself for two weeks. This isn't abnormal, she vacations by herself all the time and enjoys it.

She told my wife though that on the flight from Dubai to Paris on the way over, she had "an experience" on the flight.

She was in Premium Economy with a window seat. As the plane was nearly fully boarded the two seats next to her were empty and she was pretty excited, but just before the doors closed, this younger guy in his early twenties sat down in the aisle seat. When the doors closed, he turned to her lifted the arm of the seat between them on his side and said they were lucky to get the extra room for the flight.

She told my wife that this young guy was "gorgeous" - Arab, spoke perfectly English, dressed well, that he was from Dubai, but was studying his Masters in Business in Paris. She said he was 24 but incredibly handsome.

She said for the first three hours of the flight, they drank champagne and talked non-stop. The cabin lights had dimmed and almost all of the people around them were sleeping, so they scooched closer together to talk in lower voices.

My EA said she knew it was an excuse on his part so that he could flirt with her and she was good with that.

After another hour or so, she told my wife that he was rubbing her thigh and she was playing with his hair as they talked. Before long they were kissing.

The young guy stood up and grabbed the blankets from the overhead bins and gave them each to throw over their laps. He whispered into her ear to unfasten her belt and loosen her jeans. She told my wife that she panicked slightly because there was no way they could have sex like that without being caught, but he told her again to relax and undo her pants.

When she loosenen them under the blanket she said he reached over under the sheet, slid his hand down her pants and started rubbing her clit and then fingering her. She told my wife he finished her off multiple times until she wrenched his hand out of her pants to make him stop.

She then caught her breath, reached down and felt him through his pants. He undid his belt and unbuttoned his jeans so she could reach down and she gave him a handjob. She said as he got close, he grabbed some of napkins in the seat pocket and held it over the tip of his cock and blew his load into the paper napkins.

She told my wife that they sat there quietly for a bit talking and about an hour later, she reached over and gave him another handjob but this time she said she kept spitting on her hand and going back in. He didn't have any napkins so he used the blanket to clean himself up.

She said they talked and dozed for the rest of the flight.

As they got close to landing and had their breakfast, she told him that she'd be in Paris for three says before heading out to Switzerland and Italy for some skiing. She asked if he wanted to meet up while she was in town and he gave her his WhatsApp.

The flight landed and then disembarked the plane to head through customs and baggage. She said they walked together but because he had an EU passport and she didn't they got separated in immigration but they had sync'd up on WhatsApp during the walk from the plane.

She got through immigration and headed to the baggage collection area before heading to customs.

They came out of customs and headed to the arrivals area, he said he'd had a great flight and was hoping she'd text him tomorrow so they could meet up.

When they walked into the arrivals hall, this young thing blonde woman started waving at him and he said goodbye to my EA and rushed towards this young girl. They embraced and kissed. So it was obviously his girlfriend.

Anyway, as my wife is telling me this, I'm like, "Great, good for her. Glad she had fun!" and am trying to not know this much detail about her love life.

The my wife laughs and says, "But then she decides to text him that evening and make plans for the next day to meet up."

Now I'm curious... My wife nods at me as she's telling me, "Yeah, so she got this young guy to go back to her hotel for sex every day the whole time she was in Paris. She said they fucked like rabbits."

I was a bit surprised, I'm not going to lie, I didn't think she had that in her. I mentioned that this surprised me and my wife agreed, she didn't think my EA had that kind of carefree nature in her personality.

So tomorrow morning when I'm get in the office, it's her first day back from holiday. She gets in super early, so she'll be there waiting for me at her desk. I'll say "Hi" as I pass her desk and head into my office, she'll get up and follow me in taking a seat in the guest chair across the desk from my chair, and I'll casually ask her how her vacation was and if she had a good time.

In the back of my mind, I'll know she got fingerbanged on the flight over, gave a random young buck a handjob on the plane, and then despite seeing him making out with a young girl, she invited him over to her hotel to rail her every day for three days.

So yeah, that will be my day tomorrow.