TITLE: Wife Used My Face After Bachelorette Party Boudoir Session
LOCATION: weastcoastparents - USA
AGE: 31 - 40
VOTES: 1,938
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Wife (38. 5'2". 135 lbs. Dark hair. Fair skin w/ tattoos. Runner's body but with great tits.)

Me (38. 6'1". 210 lbs. Light hair. Fair skin w/ tattoos. Average dad bod. Hit the weight room 1 or 2 times a week.)

Years ago, two of our best friends were getting married. The guys went to New Orleans for a pretty standard Bachelor weekend. Due to weird scheduling the ladies only had a Sunday free so decided to do a low-key night in with plenty of alcohol.

I was driving back from New Orleans the day of the bachelorette. I FaceTimed my wife before I left to just say hi and ask what their plans were. She showed me some silky pajama sets to check out. I guess they were all going to be wearing them and she wanted to look fun without being slutty. Of course, I got to see some of the sluttier ones and the call ended with us getting off to each other. At this point I told her that I'd be home about an hour before the party if she wanted to fuck before I dropped her off. She just laughed and told me to drive safe.

Later that day, I'm pulling in the drive ready to go. She is up stairs doing her hair and make up and tells me that there is no way she's going to let me mess up her hard work. So I tell her to at least lay back let me go down on her. She looks confused before I say that I know what they talk about at those parties and I don't need all of our friends thinking I don't know what I'm doing. She smiles and says I'm right before laying back. I take my time working my way up her left leg to her lower tummy and back down her right leg. I give a few light kisses to her pussy and back to her stomach. A slow long lick from the bottom of her slit to her clit before stopping to blow some light air. Long continued teasing before she's grabbing my head and begging me to make her cum.

I make her squirt all over me three times before she's telling me to stand up and trying to undo my belt. I stop her and remind her that she said no. I drop her off at the party and I tell her that she should have fun. I remind her that we'll continue what we started when she gets home and to feel free to share with the wives how I take such good care of her.

The following hours were honestly torture for me. In trying to tease her, I had worked myself to and was about to burst. I was checking all of their social medias hoping for some updates but I was left to just wait. Finally, I got a text just after midnight. She asked for me to come get her. On the drive there another one came through... "And I have a surprise for you".

I about lost it right there. Every fantasy I've ever had was now racing through my head as though it was reality. She climbed in the car looking like she had plenty of fun. Before we drove she asked if I was ready for the surprise. She was a little drunk so she stumbled through her attempt to tease me before showing me that she had a few Polaroids. What was going to be on these? My thoughts were everywhere before she handed me the first one. It was her posing sexily on the couch in her pajamas. But she had hiked up her shorts and rolled up her shirt to show a little more skin. So much for not trying to look slutty. Then the next shot... Topless. Back arched, head back, tits on full display. Third picture, completely nude. Hand on her pussy and face in ecstasy. Wait, who took these? Who else was in the room? Did all the wives do this?!?

I almost couldn't handle the answers. "You want to stroke your dick don't you? Take it out and I'll tell you". I need to remind you, we were still in front of the house party but I happily did what I was told. The bride took most of the pictures. Everyone was in the room. Some were blushing and pretending not to watch but some were yelling encouragement. Not everyone took pics but about 5 people did... One even used toys. She then told me to stop. She had one more picture. She handed me the picture and it was her and another wife. She reached over and started to slowly jerk me off. "Do you like what you see? Do you think she's sexy? Would you have fucked us both?" Before I came, she told me to get us home quick.

Speed limits were suggestions and stop signs were optional. We got home and sprinted up stairs. She pushed me on my back, sat on me, and looked me in the eyes. She grinned and told me that she brought up how I had eaten her out before the party. How the wives were jealous and then said they told her to do what she was about to do next. She peeled off her pajamas and climbed up and onto my face. She held onto the head board and grinded her delicious pussy into my eager mouth. Gloriously, this went on forever. Normally she'll cum a few times and then focus on me. Tonight she just kept cumming to the point I was struggling for air. I'm not even sure how many times she came before she got off of me and rolled over.

She was exhausted and playing with my cock. "you haven't got to cum yet have you? Have you been waiting to fuck me all day? Well I'm getting tired and I'm not sure I can make you cum? But I bet our friend can. Go get that picture I want to you look at it as you cum" WTF I was pissed and turned on at the same time... But who was I to say no. I straddled my wife and placed the picture on her tits before furiously stroking to the image of the two of them. As I'm about to cum she tells me not to ruin it and opens her mouth wide. I filled her until it couldn't hold any more. She swallowed it and kissed me goodnight.

She fell fast asleep but my mind was wired. I wish I could tell you that we've had sexual encounters with that friend but it never happened. She and her husband are two of our closest friends. They live down the street and our kids play together. Which is why I still keep those pictures handy. I'm not even sure if they know that the pictures exist or that I have them. They certainly don't know that I still look at them when I leave their house or that I still get off to them years later. Then again, how do I know that my friends don't have pics of my wife? You know... That's pretty good for a Sunday bachelorette