TITLE: My Night With Two Sisters Part 1
LOCATION: bigheadtodd - Iowa, USA
CLUBHOUSE: bigheadtodd
AGE: 51+
VOTES: 3,152
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Part 1

This is a (mostly) true story that took place in December of 1980. The previous summer, I had written for the local newspaper, which had put together a weekly section geared towards students. I handled entertainment -- movie reviews, TV, and concerts. It was awesome, I got backstage passes, had a photographer with me for the concert assignments, I felt like a VIP. For a 17 year old who was shy and awkward, it was a dream job! I also met others my age who had recently graduated from high school, including two sisters who had graduated from our cross-town rival school, Jan and Kelly.

They were both tall and slender, with long dark hair. Jan was beautiful, impossible to not notice when she entered the room. Kelly was cute, but you could tell she knew that her sister was going to get all of the male attention, and she seemed OK with that. I suppose she had figured out that there was no changing it, and they got along really well, so she had no choice but to accept it.
I wanted to ask Jan out, but, being as shy as I was, and terrified of rejection, I reasoned that she was out of my league. And I would have gladly asked Kelly out, but I was afraid that she would notice me looking at her sister, and I didn't want to hurt her feelings. Also, if I'm being honest, I thought Kelly was out of my league too, just closer to my league. I had dated very little during high school, and had shit for self-confidence.

We had an adult (staff) editor for our section, weekly staff meetings, and full access to the newspaper's offices and archives. In August, shortly before I left for college, I noticed a new girl at the meeting. Blonde, blue eyes, very cute! Our editor introduced her as Sharon, she was coming on to handle the Entertainment stuff when I left for college. I was asked to show her around the building, help her log in to her workstation account for the first time, and I gladly agreed!

So, after the meeting, I gave her a tour of the building, and we chatted a bit. She had attended a high school in a different district. Since we were both Entertainment reporters, we talked about movies, and music, and I know now that it was the kind of basic conversation that you have when you meet someone you're interested in, but if I'd thought that at the time, I would have lost my ability to speak. I was so clueless when I was young!

At one point, she started asking about different people on the section's staff. When she got to Jan and Kelly, she asked "What's up with them?" I said "What do you mean?" She said "Well, they obviously both like you." I was, as previously stated, clueless. "Yeah, we get along well, they're both really nice." She stopped and looked at me. "No, they LIKE like you. Do you not see that?" I told her she was imagining things, they absolutely did not LIKE like me.

But it got me thinking, and looking back at our interactions, and I started to realize that they both kind of gravitated toward me every time I arrived for staff. They hung around and talked with me a lot after meetings, and I could see where their demeanor could be viewed as "flirty". So I did the only logical thing... I asked Sharon if she'd like to go see a movie with me!

To my shock and horror, she smiled and said she'd love to. I was fully prepared for a No. I would have been mildly surprised by a lukewarm OK. But she seemed truly happy that I had asked. So we made plans, and went to see Xanadu ( I told you, true story, warts and all!). Midway through, awkward me reached over and brushed my hand against hers, and she took my hand, turned it, and interlaced our fingers. For still-virgin me, this was like a grand slam, holding hands on the first date with this super-cute girl!

Unfortunately, we only had a few weeks to date before heading off to separate colleges, hundreds of miles apart. We were both respectable young adults. We would kiss, but nothing more. And I mean NOTHING. But this was far more of a girlfriend experience than I had ever had before, so I was fully satisfied!

We exchanged letters that fall, and phone calls, but we weren't exactly "serious", it had only been a few dates. I turned 18 in September. I and lost my virginity to a girl I met at a dorm party (she had these big, beautiful tits, I said so once we got naked, she said "Yeah, that's because I'm pregnant" -- another story for another time). Fall turned into winter, and Sharon and I stayed in touch, we were excited to see each other at Thanksgiving break.

So along comes Thanksgiving, and I screw it all up. Some friends of mine were in a band, so we go see them. We dance, and while we're holding each other, slow dancing, we kiss. It felt so right, holding her in my arms. We went outside during a break, and while we're talking, she was getting chilly, so I put my arm around her. I was horny af, so I reached down and start gently fondling her tit. This is the first sexual act between the two of us, other than her feeling my hardon against her while we were dancing.

She did not appreciate this "romantic" gesture. She pulled away, and her mood immediately went south. I don't remember what was said after that, basically because there wasn't much. There was no fight, no argument, we were just done. I had crossed a line that she did not want crossed. I blew it.

So, while I was disappointed, we had essentially been on about 5 dates, and I'd gotten laid fairly easily while at college, so I knew it wasn't the end of the world. I headed back to school, got through finals, and head back home for Christmas. I had acquired the skillset to talk to girls, to date, but I had no local girls readily available now that Sharon was gone.

But what I DID have was Jan and Kelly's phone number! They had given it to me, in case I wanted to "call and talk about story ideas" (yes, i was an idiot). I think I actually DID call them once that past summer. And I talked about a story idea. But in December, I grew a pair, and called to see how they were doing. Kelly answered, and when she heard it was me, she hollered to Jan, who went to a different phone, so we had a (spoiler alert!) 3-way. Conversation, I mean.

We talked about school, adjusting, living away from home. They asked me if I was seeing anyone, I said no. They said they thought I was dating Sharon, I said we weren't seeing each other anymore. They said sorry, like they had to say it, not like they meant it. Before I could ask, they each said that they weren't seeing anyone either. So before my awkward shy self could act to stop it, I blurted out and asked Jan if she'd like to get together while we were home for break.

I had already decided I was going to ask Jan out. I had thought it through, and I knew that they were good sisters to each other, and that if it was a problem for Kelly, Jan would just decline. I could deal with that without a huge hit to my ego, because, as I said, she was so clearly out of my league. In the years since, I heard some extremely valuable dating advice on a podcast. They said "If you never hear NO when asking someone out, you are selling yourself short. You are missing opportunities because you are too scared to try." Although I hadn't heard that advice back in 1980, that was the theory I was applying. I was fully prepared for a NO.

Well, a NO would make this long story pretty worthless, wouldn't it? What I heard was an immediate and enthusiastic "Yeah, that would be great!" We made plans to see "9 to 5" the day after Christmas.

I picked up Jan the night of the date, and she looked hot as usual! Nothing fancy, she was simply a gorgeous young woman. We go to the movie, loved it, no hand holding (I was no Casanova at this point, but knew that hand holding would be a bush league move with Jan). After the movie, Jan asked me if I wanted to go back to her house and "hang out" for a bit. Of course I said yes!

We got there, and her parents were out for the night. We headed down to the basement, and Kelly was laying in a big bean bag chair, watching TV, wearing gym shorts and a t-shirt. She looked up, smiled, said Hi and asked how the movie was. We talked for about 10-15 minutes, it was nice to catch up with Kelly, and she definitely had the cuteness going on in those gym shorts. But when Jan asked "Do you want to go to my room for a little bit?" I quickly agreed. Not even sure if I said yes or just nodded my head like an idiot, but Jan was smiling as she took my hand and led the way, so however I reacted, it was good. As we left the basement, Kelly yelled "Have a good time!"

We got to Jan's room, and she sat down on her bed. I joined her, and as soon as my ass hit the bedspread, she leaned in a kissed me. This wasn't a sweet kiss, like what I got from Sharon. This kiss was more urgent, more carnal, more like my big titted virginity thief. She kissed with her whole body, leaning into me and pushing me back on the bed, until she was on top of me.

My head was spinning, without a drop of alcohol in my system. Jan broke our kiss long enough to sit up and peel her shirt off. Then her bra. This woman, who I thought was unachievable, was topless and on top of me. She didn't have big tits, probably B cups, but they were sexy af. Her tits were firm, no sag, and her nipples were slightly puffy. As soon as her bra was off, I tried to reach for them, but she was already pulling at my shirt, peeling it over my head. Once my shirt was off, she began kissing me again, and I felt those beautiful tits against my bare chest.

While this was happening, I realized that she is grinding on my cock as if she was trying to break through our jeans. Her hips were moving back and forth, and I got a mental image of her pussy sliding along my cock. I wanted our pants off.
Taking the lead for the first time, I rolled over so that I was on top. I sat upright, and reached for my belt buckle. I looked down at her, ready for any objection, but she just reached and started unbuttoning her own pants. Within 30 seconds, we were both naked, and she reached into her nightstand and pulled out a condom. Just as she did, there was a knock on the door.

Jan knew that Kelly was the only other person in the house. So it kind of surprised me when he said "Who is it?" Kelly said "It's me, Kelly. OK if I join you?' I'm standing there, naked and hard as a rock, looking at this beautiful naked woman who's sister just asked to join us. I thought things were going to get awkward, that Jan was going to have to make up an excuse for why Kelly couldn't come in. I also thought Kelly pretty much knew what we were doing, so I couldn't figure out why she was there, she seemed encouraging when we had left her. Jan looks at me, shrugs, and says "Are you OK if she joins us?" What the serious fuck?!

My mind is just a jumble after hearing that. Is this a test? Jan is looking at me, waiting for an answer, bare ass naked and looking so beautiful. She tilts her head and raises her eyebrows, upping the cuteness factor by several orders of magnitude.

She moves back to me, reaches down and takes hold of my cock, and whispers in my ear "It's OK if you don't want to do this, we will still fuck, just me and you. But its also OK if you want both of us." I pull her close to me and kiss her before answering, just in case this is some twisted test that I'm about to fail. I'm not going to miss this chance, so I pick the safest words I can think of that might work either way... "If you're sure you're OK with it, then yeah, I'd love to have time with both of you!" So Jan yells "Get the Hell in here, slut!"

To be continued....