TITLE: Wife Gets My Uncle, I Get Her Cousin
LOCATION: Marriedbu - USA
VOTES: 2,033
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So I was talking to my wife a day ago about how hot her cousin is. I am 50, my wife is 48, her cousin is 25. Her cousin is average looking, and exactly the type of woman I am attracted to, a bit on the chubby side and curvy, I like the breasts to match the hips and tummy. My wife kept teasing me and asked she will bring her over, what does she get in return. I had said, well you tell me, and out of nowhere she said your uncle who is here from Portugal. My uncle is 70, he's a horn dog, he kept telling us about his sexcapades when he travels. But it really did take me back when she said him, I have cousins, I have friends and he is the one she chose, I asked her why him, she said because she wouldnt have to see him anymore and she wanted to see if he really was as good as he said he was. I know he would come over, he has mentioned before that my wife had nice tits I thought what the hell, I dont think she would bring her cousin but I am all for knowing my wife was fucking someone and my uncle was discreet so it would be ok. I reached out to my uncle and invited him over, he said if I could pick him up, hed be free for 8pm. I went to pick him up, on the way over he asked me where the kids were, I said we dropped them off Grandmas.

We drove to my house, parked and headed downstairs. My wife was watching TV, dressed in her usual tights and tshirt. He sat down next to her, and he started talking to her, asking how her day was. They chatted, I went to get some coffee. I saw she didnt know how to proceed,, so I said, I like your tights to my wife, she said oh thank you they are new, and my uncle said, they looked good on her. I brought up his recent escapade when he went to Germany, he laughed he said you told her that, I said yeah, she wanted to hear it from you, so he told us the story, my wife said, but youre 70, you dont really look your age, but you still are 70, having sex at your age might kill you, he said, that's how I want to die, and she quickly responded, I can kill you. He said, oh sweetheart, if you werent my nephew wife, you would be seeing what I can do. She said, dont let that stop you. I said, yup, she has been talking about you, I am good with it. He said, dont tempt me, I reached my wife and brought her over to him, I said do what you want, shes good. She said, yes old man, lets see what you got. He reached out to her, and started to kiss her. He lifted her shirt up, and took it off, he took off her bra, she has 38D tits, but kinda sagging from having kids. He started to suck her nipples and went right to her pants, took them off, and started to finger her. he took off her panties. My wife said, not here lets go to the room, they went to the room together, I heard her moan, I went to the room to see what was happening, I saw her lying her legs up in the air, and him fucking her. She kept saying, Harder old man. I watched as he started to orgasm, and she held on to him, to cum in her. He finished and started licking her pussy, he ate her out till she orgasmed. He went to the bathroom, I went in and my wife was still lying there, legs opened and smiling, I asked her how it was, she said great. He came out of the bathroom dressed. He looked a the time, went over her to kiss her again, and asked me to take him home. I left my wife lying there,. On our drive home he said, I was lucky, he had no idea she was like that, I said its been a long time, and that she had said if I brought him today, I might get her cousin tomorrow or this week. He said, well you should have told me this earlier, I would have done a lot more where she would feel obliged to keep up her end of the deal.

When I got back home, my wife was still naked, but on the phone, she was talking to her cousin, she raised her finger, basically telling me to SHHH....but she was telling her cousin that she had found me masturbating to her photos. I heard her cousin laughing. As she spoke to her cousin, I took off my pants, and started fucking the wife. Every once in a while she would moan, and I heard her cousin ask her are you ok, the third time, her cousin said, hes there isnt he, my wife whispered yes, she said, is he having sex with you as you talk to me, my wife said yes, she asked, ask him if hes thinking of me, I heard the question and said her cousins name, and said, yes I am. I came and my wife was still on the phone with her. I am dying to see if her cousin shows up tomorrow.

Update #1:

She has messaged my wife asking what she should wear. I told my wife, to tell her to dress comfortably, jeans, sweater since it's snowing, to just dress warm and comfortable, nothing special.

Update #2:

She's cute, so she is at Costco running an errand, wll be here after. She called and asked me if I wanted something from Costco , she said please ask me to bring something so it won't be as weird. I asked for the cheapest thing I could think of, a rotisserie chicken, she said, great choice than you. So if nothing else I'll have chicken.

Update #3, it is now 1:30pm

So at 11:00 am, she buzzed up, I let her in. She showed up at the door with my rotisserie chicken. I welcomed her in. My wife is at work, my kids are at school. The cousin took off her jacket, she was wearing a nice green frizzy almost like fur sweater, and jeans, she also wears glasses. A little about her shes about 5'6, I would say average weight, has curves, and light brownish hair. I invited her in, she asked me what I was doing, I said I was watching tv, I was watching Vegas Matt on Youtube, its my usual go to when I am home working. I motioned to the sofa and told her to feel free to sit down. She did. We watched the video together for a bit. I asked her how her day was, she said it had been good, that she felt a bit weird coming here. I told her no way did I anticipate her coming here, or my wife even telling her anything, and how she had just accepted this idea. I said I am old, and youre 25, which she corrected me, she is 30. She even said, how can you think I am 25, youve known me for 15 years and I was not a 10 year old when my cousin introduced me, and she was right. I then realized why I thougth she was 25, last time I ran into her was at her older sisters wedding, she was 25 then, and that was covid, the years stopped making sense since that time. She said at that wedding was when she first noticed me, like really noticed me. That when I danced with her she felt my erection. Yes me and her had danced that night. My erection was not for her, even though she looked amazing, but it was for my wife, my wife was dancing with her cousins dad (Her uncle) my wife had said before the wedding that she had a dream she was fucking that guy. So when we got there and I watched her and him dancing and him holding her hips, and her pressed against her uncle it was turning me on, of course not to ruin anything I didnt mention any ofthis to her cousin. Her cousin also said she knew the stories of me and my ex, her family knows my ex, and knew of the rumors of what we were doing and what we did, and the reputation my exwife had. I said, but that was 17 years ago, still doesnt let me know how you agreed or how your cousin broached the subject. She said honesly my wife just brought it up and the cousin thought why not. I decided not to press this any further. She then said how she skipped breakfast and missed her coffee. I offered to make us a pot of coffee, she accepted the offer. We kept sitting there talking, just small talk since we hadnt seen eachother in well over 5 years. The coffee was ready and I got up to go make it, I asked her how she took it. My kitchen is a very small condo kitchen, two people in it at the same time youre basically rubbing against each other doing anything, its horrendous when youre trying to cook and someone comes in to get a drink or a snack. I went to the kitchen and when I asked how she took her coffee she came to the kitchen and said she would make it herself. She walked to the kitchen while I was there, and as she walked by me to get the sugar, she kinda of rubbed against me innocently, I said, yeah this kitchen is very tight, we cant move around without interfering with each other, I had to get the milk, I said excuse me and put my hand on her hip to mover her to the side, but with that, she instead leaned back a bit, her ass rubbed against my crotch. I told her, well that felt good. She smiled. She leaned further back a bit. This time her who back was against my front, her ass against my crotch, I placed my hands on her waist. She leaned back with her head and placed it against my head. My hands went automatically to her breasts, I fondled them from the outside on her shirt. With that she started wiggling her ass against my crotch. I walked her out of the kitchen and back to the living room. I went up behind her again, she did the head thing again, and I went under her shirt with my hands, I worked them up to her breats, and started fondling them, I pulled her shirt off, she was wearing black bra. I cupped her breasts in my hands and started going into her bra, finding her nipples. I then went to her bra strap and undid her bra. Her cousin was now topless in my living room. I went back behind her, and undid her pants, and slid my hand into her panties, I went toward her pussy, she was wet, she even said, I am so wet....I said yeah, I slipped my finger in her pussy and started fingering her. I pulled out my finger, and she grabbed my hand and put the finger in her mouth. I now to be honest was about to explode. It tooke everything to keep from having an orgasm right here and now. I had to think of things that would stop me from cumming. I then pulled down her pants, and pulled off her panties, She pulled off my boxers. I went back behind her, and started kissing her neck while fondling her breasts. I turned her around, and leaned into her, so my dick was just around her stomach, and embraced her. I cleared the couch, and lied her down, I went up to her legs, and opened them. I looked at that somewhat shaven pussy and thought, this is my wifes cousin that I have known for the past 15 years, I am about to fuck her, adn with that I put my dick into her pussy. We started slowly at first, but the girl had energy, She started lifting her ass, so I coud go deeper.She then said she wanted to go on top, so she had me lie down, and jumped on me reverse cowgirl, I live 15 floors up, our windows face a highway, she was fucking clear view of the highway, but I doubt anyone could see. She then went onto the floor on all fours, and I went up behind her and started fucking her from behind. I started to orgam, she said its ok, so i came in her, she then turned around took my dick and started to clean it. She stood up and asked to go to the bathroom, I showed her the bathroom, she instead of going to the toilet, went into the bathtub, didnt close the door, and I was just staring at her, she opened her legs and started to pee facing me. I have a pee kink, and have a feeling my wife must have told her. She summoned me with her finger, calling me closer, so I did, I jumped in the tupo with her, as she peed, and she grabbed my dick and put it in her pussy. Feeling her piss on my dick was another experience. I started to pee as well, she moved out of the way. I peed into the tub. She then pushed me out the door and said excuse me. I heard the shower start up. A few minutes later she came out naked, dried her self off, and got dressed. She asked for the coffee, we sat there drinking coffee and talking about the last few years. At 1:30 she decided to leave. We didnt talk about doing this again. But oh my God it was great. My wife messaged me asking if she was still there and if she actually showed, I said yes she showed she brought me a chicken. My wife said dont tell my anything, but I do hope you had fun, and next time its her turn again.