A not so typical workday.
A carpenter gets to know two of his customers really well.
I'm a carpenter for a small construction company in the St Louis area. I enjoy what I do, and I enjoy the interaction with my customers. This story is about one such customer interaction.
It was a Monday morning, and the alarm was going off to wake me up so I could start my work week.
After rolling out of bed, peeing, and then cleaning my teeth, I turn on the shower to wash the sleep and humid night sweat from my body. Once in the shower I can't help but drift off into a daydream about Jan. She is the secretary who works in the office of the company where I work. Jan is a pretty "plain Jane" kind of woman: she's got to be in her mid-fifties and stands 5'4" with a few extra pounds. But those pounds include large breasts and a round ass that makes her all the more appealing. Her hair is fair with hints of gray and hangs just below her shoulders, framing a pretty face with a rounded chin and soft skin.
Her eyes are green and always have a twinkle to them that complements her beautiful smile, but it's her breasts that lead me to daydream in the shower.
As I wash my body, I think about Jan's glorious globes and how they move when she walks, how they jiggle when she laughs, and how they rest on her desk when she sits at her computer stroking the keys with her long red nails.
I drift off thinking of what it would be like to place my hard, pierced cock between her fleshy mounds while she sits in her office chair playing with herself. Would she slyly look up at me from time to time to see the red-faced pleasure her daring tit fuck is giving me?
The thought of getting caught as we explore carnal lust at her workstation is getting to be too much. What would it feel like to slide myself in and out between her breasts until I can't take it any longer and have to cum, shooting hot ropes of sticky semen on her chest, neck, and chin?
As I return to reality, I realize that I'm leaning against the shower wall with one hand and masturbating with the other. As I stroke myself, my balls tighten and a familiar feeling comes over me as I shoot my load, lace after lace hitting the floor of the wet shower and being carried away by the steaming hot water. I watch as it disappears down the shower drain, never to be seen again.
It's not long before I'm out of the shower, dry, dressed, and heading out the door. As I walk outside, I notice the overnight storm has passed but the rain that had collected on the leaves was still falling, making almost a melody on the tin roof. Water’s also dripping from the leaky gutter above the door. I try to avoid it, but it hits me on the back of the neck, cold and wet as it runs down my neck and into my shirt. I'm hoping this isn't going to be how the day progresses.
As I start my truck, I sit for a moment racking my brain trying to remember what job I had on the books today. Then it hits me. I'm headed to the "Smith" residence, a large house in a rich neighborhood full of big houses and expensive cars. I'd be installing a bathroom sink, custom vanity, and anything else that needed doing.
After checking my paperwork, I notice that the cabinet builder delivered the vanity and sink on site last week, so I don't have to go to the hardware store and that meant I could stop for breakfast. After enjoying a very nice omelet, I head to the Smith place to start my workday.
When I arrive, I pull up in the drive to be greeted by an overly excited, black Labrador Retriever with the happiest tail I've ever seen. "Duke!" I hear a male voice shout. "Duke, here boy". I look in the direction of the voice and see a man who looks to be in his late sixties or early seventies standing in an open garage.
He's dressed casually in a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt that's obviously well-loved and well-worn. The T-shirt is stretched out at the neck and has the words, "World’s Greatest Grandpa" printed on the front. I’m guessing it was a loving gift from a grandchild. The man stands about 5'10" tall with a medium build, but you can tell that he works out to try and maintain his health (Let's face it, none of us are getting any younger). His hair is gray, combed to one side and looks like it’s starting to thin a little on top.
"Hey there, I'm Bill, and you are?" the man introduces himself, to which I reply, "Hi Bill, I'm Lee, I'm here to work on your bathroom today."
"Well come on in, Lee. Kathy, my wife, is expecting you," he informs me as he opens the door to the house. "Honey, the guy doing the bathroom is here," he calls out loudly as I follow him into the kitchen.
"I'll be there in a second, sweetie, just show him the bathroom, and the vanity is in the garage in that big box," Kathy replies. Kathy's voice is soft and feminine but has a little crackle in it that shows her age.
Bill starts off, saying, "Come on Lee, the bathroom is this way." I follow Bill as he walks out of the kitchen, through the living room, and down a long hallway into a large bathroom.
The big bathroom contains a copper, claw foot bathtub that stands proudly in front of an arched, stained-glass window. The window allows the sun's rays to light up the room with all the colors of the rainbow.
In the corner of the room is an even larger glass shower, the kind of shower that you could definitely jerk off in while daydreaming about the sexy secretary back at the office.
Bill proceeds to explain to me what Kathy wants done in the bathroom, then takes me back to the garage to look at the vanity and sink. As I look around the garage, I notice a furniture dolly on the far wall. "Bill, would you mind if I use your dolly to move the vanity to the bathroom?"
"Absolutely, in fact, I'll give you a hand if you like," replies Bill.
With that, Bill and I load the vanity and proceed to move it to the bathroom. After finishing the move, then chatting with Bill for a while, I decide to go get tools and get started on the task at hand.
I no sooner get started, when I hear Duke come running down the hall. He enters the bathroom and gives me a wet-nosed hello, shortly followed by who I presume to be Kathy. As she enters the room with a smile and a glow, I smell the pleasing scent of "sweet pea" perfume.
She gets a grip on the dog’s collar, then says, "Hi, I'm Kathy, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I understand Bill has explained what we have going on with the bathroom."
"Yes, I have it lined out. I should have it done in a day or so," I reply.
As Kathy stands there, she talks to me about all the other "little jobs" she needs done around the house. She goes on to tell me, "Bill's not much of a handy man around the house, but he's a good man and an even better lover and has taken care of the most important things for more than forty years."
I don’t know how I’m supposed to respond to such a bold, personal statement, so I say nothing, but I do take in the mischievous twinkle in her eyes. As we chat, I also can't help but notice Kathy's nipples trying to force themselves through the thin fabric of her blouse, pushing and stretching the material, causing it to peak like two pyramids reaching for the sky. Kathy, like Bill, looked to be in her seventies, so I hadn’t done my usual feminine appraisal, but now I reconsider.
She’s average height and her weight appears proportionate. She has short, curly, blond hair with no gray showing. This tells me she likes to maintain her appearance; so too do the sexy, well-manicured red nails that jut from her long, slender fingertips. Kathy's sweet smile and shallow dimples tell me that the light wrinkles around her aged but beautiful blue eyes were earned in happiness. They also show experience and a certain sexiness that has me mesmerized.
As she continues to talk, my attention drifts from her nipples to the soft, lightly wrinkled skin around her mouth that frames a pretty pair of "come fuck-me" red lips with a slight shimmer to the lipstick. It's as if they are inviting me to kiss them.
"Lee," Kathy says as I break out of yet another daydream, glad my hand hadn’t automatically begun doing what it did the last time I fell into one of my libidinous fugues.
"Yes, sorry Kathy," I reply, "I must have been daydreaming again."
Kathy, with a cheeky smile, continues with, "Oh yeah, anything interesting?"
"No, I think I better keep that to myself," I reply, as I return to working on the vanity.
The time is flying by like it usually does when I have a busy day. Bill and Kathy pop in once in a while to see the progress and check on me, but I notice that Kathy likes to hang out and just chat about more than what I’m working on. I don’t mind, she’s nice company in many ways.
Finally, I hit a good stopping place in the job to end my day. I’m tired and ready to go home; my feet ached, and my back is sore. I start looking for either Bill or Kathy to let them know I’m done for the day and will be back tomorrow to finish. As I walk down the hallway into the living room I call out, "Hello...Bill, Kathy....hello, anyone there?"
As I try to locate someone, I hear movement from the other direction down the hallway, apparently from one of the bedrooms. I don’t want to be inappropriate or wake an old person from a nap, so I don’t call out anymore as I make my way back. The door to the bedroom is cracked enough for me to peek through, so I walk over quietly and look in. I see something I don’t think I could ever forget, nor would I ever want to.
What I see is Kathy, lying on the bed, her legs wide open, and Bill lying on his belly between her naked thighs. His face is buried so far in his wife's pussy that it looks like he’s trying to climb inside. As I stand there peeping through the gap in the door, I can smell the thick, musky smell of pure sex wafting through what has now become my voyeur peep hole.
As I continue to spy on the beautiful sight, I can’t help stroking myself through my pants. I’m so hard and turned on at the erotic sight of these two elderly people in the throes of oral intimacy that I reach inside my pants to touch myself.
As so often happens, after feeling just how hard I am, I automatically go into masturbate mode, completely disregarding the danger of being caught. My only concession to propriety is to stroke myself within my clothes. However, after a few minutes of playing with myself, my fears are calmed when I notice that Kathy is smiling at me over the top of her husband's head.
Kathy's eyes lock on mine and I can tell that she’s getting an exhibitionist’s pleasure from the thrill of my watching her. The
sight of Kathy looking straight into my eyes is such a turn-on for me that I have to take out my cock, since remaining in my pants is becoming uncomfortable and restrictive. Besides, I feel like she’s going to appreciate the move. I really gamble on her wanting to see more of her audience by pushing the door open a few more inches and standing directly in the gap as I take out my cock and continue to masturbate. The widening of Kathy’s eyes tells me she can see me stroking myself in reaction to their sexy lovemaking.
Kathy grabs Bill's hair and smashes his face into her crotch, driving his tongue deeper inside her and making her eyes roll back in her head. She gasps with pleasure. It’s gotten to the point where I can’t stand much more: I have to cum. But I want to see Kathy's reaction when I shoot
my load--watching her watching me.
I reach into my pocket and pull out a rag that I had used earlier in the day to wipe silicone off my hands. I cup the rag in my left hand and stroke myself with my right. I turn slightly to give Kathy a side view and hold the rag a few inches away from the tip of my cock so she’ll be able to see my cum fly. When her eyes go really wide, I know she’s finally gotten a clear look at my Prince Albert piercing.[SI1]
After a few more swift strokes of my cock, it happens, I shoot a huge load.
Rope after rope of hot milky cum launches into the air, much landing on the rag, but some also hitting my palm and wrist. All the while, Kathy is watching me like a hawk.
Bill was still working hard and deep with his tongue, lapping at Kathy like a dog drinking water and almost immediately after I come, Kathy starts to squirm and begins grinding her cunt harder and faster on poor Bill's face. As she starts to orgasm, she keeps eye contact with me the entire time, clearly looking straight into me. Then her body tenses up, her back arches, and she lets out a scream of pleasure, filling the air with what sounds like the soundtrack from a porn film.
"Oh Bill, you dirty mother fucker, eat that pussy!"
Kathy holds Bill tight between her thighs for what seems like an eternity, as wave after wave of pleasure surges through her body and she thrusts hard as she fucks Bill’s face.
I watch for a couple of minutes as the couple just lie there. Bill’s head resting on her thigh as he tries to catch up on his breathing, while Kathy strokes his hair with a huge smile and a look of total satisfaction on her face.
When I realize the show is over and they’ve finished, I wipe the drops of cum from the head of my now-limp dick and put my cock back in my pants. I head back into the kitchen and after wiping my hand, I throw the rag in the trash can and think about what I will do next. Since, as far as I know, my voyeurism is just between me and Kathy, I decide to try getting Bill’s attention without giving away that I know what he’s been up to. I open up the faucets and start noisily washing my hands while calling out for Bill.
After a couple of minutes, Bill makes an appearance, his face still wet with Kathy's juice and looking red from all the grinding, his hair’s a mess. The smell of Kathy on his breath almost gets me going again.
"Okay Bill, I'm done for the day. I'll see you tomorrow at 7AM if that's okay?"
He informs me that he won’t be around tomorrow because he'll be golfing with his buddies. But Kathy will be home and up at that time, so if I need anything, she’ll be there to help.
With that I say goodnight and head home. All the way, I can’t stop thinking about Kathy staring into my eyes as she orgasmed on Bill's face after watching me ejaculate for her.
The following morning, I wake up in a state of arousal from dreaming about Kathy's blue eyes staring at me while she uses Bill's face as a sex toy to bring herself to a huge orgasm. As I roll out of bed and my feet hit the cold wooden floor, I notice the time. Oh fuck, I'm late. I start to panic, realizing my sex dreams of the beautiful old woman must have been so deep that I slept right through the alarm. Running way behind schedule, I rush through my shower (with no time for any sexual relief), get in the truck and head to Bill and Kathy's to finish the bathroom, and hopefully get paid.
Pulling into the driveway, I see a new Mercedes-Benz backing out of the garage. It's a beautiful car with a gleaming white paint job and chrome everywhere. Then I notice it's Bill driving the Mercedes, so after shutting off the truck I hop out.
As I do, Bill pulls up, rolls down his window, and greets me. "Good morning, Lee, I'm off to play golf. Kathy's awake and there's fresh coffee in the kitchen, so just go on in and fix yourself a cup."
To which I reply, "Thanks, Bill, I'll do that. You have a good day and take it easy on the guys on the course."
I head into the house and instantly smell the beautiful aroma of fresh brewed coffee. As I walk into the kitchen, Bill and Kathy's dog, Duke, a four-legged welcoming committee who’s apparently super- excited to see
me, comes and wants me to play ball with him as he drops his favorite rubber ball at my feet.
As I pick up the hard, slimy rubber ball I hear, "Duke, leave Lee alone, he doesn't want to play ball. He's here to work, not play." I look towards the living room just as Kathy walks in looking both elegant and sexy in loose fitting silk pajamas and a thin robe that drags the ground as she walks. “Good morning, Lee," she greets me with a soft smile and touch of the shoulder that makes my cock twitch with excitement as she saunters past.
"Morning," I reply with a quick glance at her breasts as she reaches into a cabinet to get coffee mugs. The morning sun shining through the fabric of her pajama shirt allows me a clear silhouette of her full and what look like firm breasts. From the quick glance and what I remember about her diamond-cutter nipples from yesterday, her tits are in great shape for a woman of her age, and I just have to see more if I can find a way without getting fired for perving.
After fixing coffee, Kathy and I chat for a while about the bathroom job, the weather, and even Bill's golf game, but nothing is ever brought up about the incident yesterday. Since we’re alone, I think this is strange because it's all I could think about since the incident happened.
I know she had to have seen me watching her with Bill and I’m positive she watched me jack off into a rag while I did, which in turn set off her own massive orgasm. So, why hasn’t she said anything? Hmm, perhaps she just wants to put it behind her or is afraid because Bill isn’t there to protect her if I try to take things too far? Could be for the best, I decide.
After drinking my coffee, I tell Kathy, "I think I'd better get started on the bathroom or I'll never get finished." Then I head to the bathroom to start finishing the vanity install. After a couple of hours and some struggling, I have the vanity mounted and all the trim installed. The only thing left to do is to install the sink and hook up the plumbing.
As I install the sink, Kathy comes to check on me and I notice she’s now dressed in a thin summer dress with sunflowers printed all over it. As she walks in, I tell her, "You look really pretty in that dress. Bill's a lucky man."
She replies, "Thank you, and yes, Bill knows how lucky he is. That's
why he treats me like a princess and lets me have whatever I want." Now there’s the saucy babe I remember from yesterday.
After installing the sink, it’s time to climb under and hook up the plumbing. Kathy remains in the bathroom talking to me while I lie on the floor on my back under the sink. As I work on the plumbing, I ask Kathy if she can hand me my pipe wrench from my toolbox. “Sure,” she says and steps one foot over my prone body to reach the toolbox, giving me a clear view up her pretty sundress. I don’t see any panties.
In fact, all I see is a clear view of a perfect pussy, a pussy that sure doesn’t look seventy; it looks tight, with puffy pink lips, which I can easily see because it’s clean shaven. I understand Bill feasting so happily yesterday because it absolutely looks good enough to eat.
As Kathy reaches down to hand me the wrench, still with one leg either side of me, she leans forward deeply at the waist, allowing me to get an eyeful of her titties. "Thank you, Kathy," I say as she hands me the
wrench. The fact that I’m looking down her dress at her beautiful cleavage while I say this likely makes it clear what I’m really thanking her for.
"You're welcome," she replies, adding, "If you see anything you like, all you have to do is ask." With that, she straightens up to give me that beautiful view up her dress again of what is apparently now on offer.
As she stands there, I slide my hand up her leg to her inner thigh. Finally, she asks the question I’d been expecting to hear earlier over coffee.
"So, Lee, about yesterday…" Then, after a pause and a deep breath, she continued on to ask, "Did you like what you saw? I know I did; in fact, I don't think I've come so hard from cunnilingus before."
As she continues, my cock tries to stick straight up, making a bulge in my pants. It quickly gets uncomfortable, so I reach down to adjust it and give it a quick rub.
Kathy notices me adjusting myself and stops me with her bare foot. It’s clearly an older foot, with the skin starting to show that crepe paper texture, but it’s still delicate and feminine, with a lovely, pink pedicure. It’s also experienced and talented, the toes finding and squeezing my length through my pants as she says, "You know you would be more comfortable if you set it free."
I’m stunned and can hardly believe this is happening, but I can’t resist; I have to take out my hard, throbbing cock. When I reach for my zipper, Kathy removes her foot from my crotch and returns to straddling me. With an even wider stance, it appears, as her pussy lips are pulled farther apart now and I can see a glistening. As I unzip my pants and remove my cock from the restriction of my clothes, Kathy’s excited reaction to my Prince Albert piercing confirms that she did see it yesterday and was dying to see it again today.
She clearly can’t resist wanting to get a close look and immediately asks, "Can I touch it?" When I nod yes, Kathy reaches down and pulls on my PA. Her eyes keep flitting between mine and the tip of my dick, obviously looking for any sign of discomfort on my part as she lifts my stiff cock by its jewelry until it’s pointing straight up into the air. She gulps, then while quickly but carefully lowering it, she chokes out, “Let's get more comfortable," then steps to the side.
I stand up and taking my hand, Kathy leads me to the living room where she gets comfortable on one of the Lazy-Boy recliners. Still with my pierced manhood out, I stand in front of Kathy so she can take a
closer look at my rock-hard cock. As her eyes take me in, she reaches under her sun dress and starts playing with her clit with both hands. Then she asks me, "Can I get a repeat performance of yesterday?" She
leans back in the recliner, lifts her dress and spreads her lips with one hand as she begins playing with her clit with the other.
"Do you like watching me pleasure myself?" she asks. "I like you watching me and I want to see you masturbate. I want to see you cum again but this time I want you to cum on me."
I start slowly stroking my cock, as I watch Kathy lying there fingering her hole. She starts to move in her chair as if she's already getting ready to orgasm, but then suddenly she stands up and takes off her dress,
revealing her soft but sexy body. Her breasts look to be C-cups, lightly sagging but still firm. The nipples are erect and slightly pointing down, and overall, Kathy looks amazing, regardless of being a seventy-year-old woman.
She then sits back down, leans back, and spreads her legs up over the arms of the chair, so she can finger herself with one hand and play with her glorious breasts with the other.
I stand stroking myself while Kathy watches. I'm getting so turned on as we make eye contact, only breaking away momentarily to watch one another's hands pleasure ourselves. As Kathy starts to speed up, I hear her breathing getting heavy and can see her pussy soaking her fingers as she explores the innermost parts of her cunt.
Hearing Kathy start to orgasm pushes me over the edge and I feel myself getting ready to cum. Kathy senses this and releasing her pussy, she leans forward and tells me, "I want you to cum on me; I want to feel your hot spunk on my skin. Come on, Lee, give it to me. Make me your cum slut." That's all it took.
As Kathy presents herself to me, I hold her shoulder with one hand while grasping my dick in the other and prepare to shoot my cum on Kathy's breasts. But just as the first spurt flies, she leans forward and takes the blast on her lovely face. Then the second and third. She pulls back a little and the rest splatters the hot old broad’s still magnificent tits.
Soaking her face was amazing. Watching as my jizz slides from her chin and drips on her chest is even hotter. She sees where my eyes are and uses her fingers to squeegee more of my spunk down to her breasts, then she begins running those fingers over her soft, still-smooth, elderly skin, playing in the puddles on her chest. It’s one of the sexiest things I have ever seen.
She only makes things hotter by leaning back, lifting one of her tits, and cleaning my man-juice from around her nipple with her tongue and lips. At the same time, she reaches down and goes back to exploring her sex with her fingers.
Seeing this, I get on my knees in front of her and start helping her by sliding one and then two fingers inside her. She feels so hot. She places her soft hand over mine and guides me, moving my fingers in and out in a slow soft movement. Kathy and I spend the next ten minutes pleasing her until I notice I am rocking hard again. I look at Kathy with my fingers still inside of her and tell her, "I want to feel what your pussy feels like around this."
I stand up and reveal just how hard I am for her again. She gulps and nods. I motion for Kathy to get on all fours on the recliner. Once she’s in position, I whisper in her ear, "Before we do this, you have to know I think you're unbelievable, but what about Bill? I don’t want to cause you trouble.”
In a sudden moment of internal clarity, I yell at my noble self, "I can't believe you’re trying to talk her out of doing the very thing you haven’t been able to stop thinking about!” But I really didn’t want to be the guy who split up a forty-year marriage because I took advantage of a woman in the throes of orgasm. In my admittedly skewed rule book, mutual masturbation was one thing, actual intercourse something else. But to my fortunate amazement, Kathy’s response is both unexpected and unforgettable.
As I stand there behind her with my cock hard and waiting to slide inside her, she yells, "Okay Bill, you can come out and join us now."
My heart stops as I straighten up and start glancing around desperately. Is this the part where I start begging for my life? Is this how it ends for me?
As I stand there looking around the living room, I suddenly see movement from the kitchen and in walks Bill. He’s not holding a shotgun or a baseball bat or even a long-bladed knife, but you could have blown me over with a feather when what I am seeing finally registers.
Bill’s wearing the golf shirt I saw him in earlier this morning, but below the waist he’s naked. Well, apart from women's fishnet stockings, suspenders, and five-inch stiletto heels. His cock is hard; it’s also standing straight out. It looks to be about six inches long with a nice girth and full of thick, bulging veins covered in soft, silky skin.
As Bill walks up to me, his manhood bounces slightly with every step, and I can’t take my eyes off it until he asks me with a grin, “I hope you don't mind me watching, but after Kathy told me you watched us yesterday, I figured you wouldn't mind if I watched you two today." Then he goes on to say, "Kathy was right when she said you have a really nice-looking cock and seeing that ring just makes me want to suck it."
He stares unashamedly at my still-hard cock as it jutted out through my flies. Then Kathy turns around and starts unbuttoning my pants, slowly allowing them to fall to the ground followed by my boxers. As I step out of my clothes, Kathy starts playing with my meat, rubbing the head. It is such a sight, seeing her long thin fingers with beautiful red fingernails touching my swollen dick. Slowly, she works her way down the shaft, gently stroking it with one hand and cupping my balls with the other.
Meanwhile, Bill sits in the other recliner with his legs spread wide over the arms revealing his smooth-shaven manhood with his lightly sagging balls. It’s yet another example of my preconceptions being knocked aside as his obvious age does nothing to diminish his virility, even wrapped up in female trappings.
He begins masturbating while watching Kathy sitting on her Lazy-Boy in front of me, sucking my cock while slowly fingering her pussy again.
In another moment of looking at all this from outside myself, I find myself thinking, "I can't believe that my perfectly ordinary day has taken such an erotic turn."
Then my attention is drawn fully back into the moment as I look at Bill sitting there stroking his cock while watching as his wife sucks on mine. Suddenly I want so bad to help him pleasure himself. His hand holds his shaft with a vise-like grip as he runs his hand up and down his cock. I notice a blob of precum bubble from the hole in the big purple head.
Bill is obviously having thoughts similar to my own, because he desperately asks me if it would be okay if he came over and helped Kathy make me cum. I smile as Kathy looks up at me with my cock still in her mouth and a playful look about her eyes.
Then I suddenly get an idea I like even better than his hot offer and share it with them both. "I've got a better idea, how about Kathy gets on all fours in front of me on the rug, then you come stand by us. I'll finally get to feel what her beautiful pussy feels like around my cock and as a bonus, I get to taste what you taste like."
Kathy chimes in, "Now that sounds like fun. Judging by looking at both of your cocks, you're both ready to have some fun." She climbs down on the floor with her ass in the air and her sweet peach pouting out from between the tops of her thighs.
I slowly kneel behind her and can smell the sweet smell of her moist vagina. I know it's wet with anticipation of what's to come. As I begin rubbing the soft, round, sensually-flabby cheeks of her ass, Bill walks over close to Kathy and me and begins to masturbate not 12 inches from my face.
As he strokes himself, he asks in a mock English accent:
"Excuse me, good fellow, but could you show me where you would like me to put this?" He holds his thick, smooth dick out to me while moving his hand slowly up and down the shaft. I stare hypnotized at the erotic image of him pleasuring himself in front of me for a few moments, then I just can't handle it any longer.
"My mouth, Bill, I want you in my mouth!" I say to this cross-dressing, elderly man who I just met yesterday. Right after I put my cock where it’s been dying to go since I watched you make your wife cum yesterday.” I reach down and slowly guide myself into Kathy's eager, waiting twat.
Kathy takes a long, deep breath as I slide completely inside her. I feel her wetness engulf my entire cock as I feel my Prince Albert hit her cervix. Kathy drops her head with pleasure as I start to ride her from behind.
Then I turn my attentions to Bill, as he stands there patiently stroking his hard cock. I reach up and take over the stroking motions and cup his big, well-manscaped balls in my other hand. Finally, I lean in to lick the top of his angry cock. All the time, I'm sliding in and out of Kathy's wet womanhood, while she reaches between her legs and plays with her clit.
Slowly, I look up at Bill, who is now standing there naked after removing his golf shirt. He’s playing with his own nipples, squeezing and pulling them with vigor and lust as he stares at the sight of my cock sliding in and out of his wife. That same image, as well as the feel of it, are getting me more and more turned on and I slowly place Bill's member between my lips. I can smell a musky but sweet smell; it tastes like a fine cut of sweet steak.
As I take it deeper in my mouth, I can feel it throbbing against my tongue as I flick it back and forth on the swollen head of Bill's member. I can't believe I'm sucking Bill after only meeting him yesterday, but I really can't believe I'm sucking his cock while fucking his wife.
Kathy looks over her shoulder and asks me, "Are you enjoying my husband's cock?" As she smiles at me, our eyes meet and she starts slamming her ass against me, telling me, "Fuck, that's fucking hot seeing you and Bill like that." Followed by, "Fuck me, I can feel your piercing, it feels so good, fuck that pussy, I want to feel you deeper inside me!"
She then starts fucking my cock like a crazy woman. Turning my eyes back to my other partner, I watch as beads of sweat run down Bill's belly and onto the base of his dick, adding to the saltiness on my tongue. Bill is now entirely buried in my mouth, gagging me with every thrust.
Don't get me wrong, Kathy feels amazing fucking me, but Bill's dick is driving me crazy. Between the two of them it doesn't take long before I feel myself starting to tighten in preparation for shooting my load. I remove Bill from my mouth just long enough to tell Kathy, "I'm going to cum," to which she replies, "Don't you fucking pull out! I want you to cum deep inside me, I want to feel that load fill my pussy."
As I unload deep in Kathy's wanton hole, she screams out, "Oh, fuck yes, yes, oh fuck, that feels amazing, I can feel you filling me up and I'm going to cum!" As she starts to orgasm, I feel her pussy trying to suck my cock further and further inside her. She starts to grind my cock even harder as her body floods with pleasure and she begins to shake. About then, Bill grabs the back of my head and rams his cock back inside my mouth. I gag as the helmet hits my tonsils as he starts to skull fuck my face.
I don't think I've ever been this turned on in my life, but I'm so excited by everything that's going on that I don't realize that Bill is about to blow in my mouth. I feel his cock start to throb, his balls tighten in my hand, and with one large thrust, Bill shoots shot after shot of hot, salty cum into my mouth. The taste is something you'll never forget and will leave you wanting more, but it's the consistency that gives me the most pleasure – it’s fucking liquid sex.
I look up as he holds my head to finish unloading on my tongue, then I notice that Kathy has turned around and begun to lick my cock and balls clean. The feeling of her tongue licking my sack feels so good. After releasing my head, Bill crouches down and kisses Kathy, sucking on her tongue, and licking my cum from around her mouth.
Bill then migrates back along Kathy’s body as she remains on hands and knees, and when his hand glides down her back and over her ass cheeks, she willingly opens her legs to allow him in. Bill slides two fingers into Kathy's cum-filled pussy and starts working my seed out from inside his wife's swollen, wet pussy, stopping occasionally to clean his fingers. Bill keeps moving down toward Kathy’s rear and finally bends over to finish reclaiming his wife’s hole by sucking and licking out the last of the interloper’s deposit.
Once Kathy is clean, husband and wife lie down on the floor together in a loving embrace and kiss. Eventually they look up at me, still kneeling beside them, and Bill says, "Thank you, Lee, you handled that job just the way we needed.” Kathy adds, “You are indeed a handy man to have around, I hope we can call on you again when things need… fixing.”
Since tradesmen like me rely on repeat business, I say, “Of course. I’ll be glad to pop ‘round anytime to help keep things humming around here.”