TITLE: My Night With Two Sisters Part 2
LOCATION: bigheadtodd - Iowa, USA
CLUBHOUSE: bigheadtodd
AGE: 51+
VOTES: 2,754
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At the end of Part 1, Jan and I were naked and ready to fuck when Jan's sister, Kelly, knocked on the bedroom door and asked if she could join us...

The door opens before I can even think about being naked, and Kelly's eyes drop to my hardon. I didn't know it back then, being shy, but I'm fairly big. About 8 inches, and very thick. Kelly smiled and said "Hell yeah!" as she peeled off her shirt and shorts (no bra or underwear to mess with). She was even more cute and beautiful when she was naked. Her tits were bigger than Jan's, with just a hint of sag and nice hard nipples. She was also hairier than Jan's close trim, but not a wild bush, still well maintained.

We all looked at each other for a good 15-20 seconds. The girls were very giggly, VERY sexy, and I'm sure I looked like a happy fool, not sure what to do next. Finally, it was Jan who broke the silence, in a way that caught me completely by surprise...

"OK, this is something Kelly and I have talked about, something we both wanted to happen. We just didn't know if it would work out, and we figured you'd be up for it, but weren't 100% certain.

We both want you, so we decided to share you, but there are some ground rules. First and most important... Kelly and I are NOT doing anything together. Don't ask, don't even THINK about it, it's gross and will end this immediately. This means you get us both, but you need to SATISFY us both. I'm not helping you with Kelly, and Kelly isn't helping you with me. Are you good with that?" I nodded so quickly I'm surprised my neck didn't snap.

"Second, and also nearly as important... this stays between us. I can see how excited you are about this. You're about to find out how excited WE are about this. The three of us can talk about it afterwards, together and when we're certain that we're alone. But none of us can share this with anyone. Not best friends, not roommates, and definitely not anyone from the newspaper staff! Are you good with THAT?"

I realized that this was going to be a sex resume highlight for me, but also saw how it could be devastating for the sisters if word got out. Of course I agreed, and have kept that word until now. I feel it is safe to tell the tale now with names changed, along with a few other minor details.

"The last thing is... we talked about this, and we THINK we're OK with sharing you, but we're not sure. And we're not sure how we're going to feel about this tomorrow morning. We THINK we're going to be fine with it, but we know this is... different. We promise we won't be mad at you if WE regret it, but we might have to end our friendship with you, if seeing you reminds us of a bad experience." Then she smiled and grabbed her tits, saying "We wouldn't be standing here naked with you if we thought that is how this will end, but we talked a LOT about this, and we had to accept it is a possibility. Can you accept that, and respect our decision if necessary?"

This one threw some cold water on the situation. These girls had been my friends for about 7 months. We got along great! Could I put those two friendships at risk?

OK, I said "mostly" true. Who am I kidding here? I mean, yes, all of what I quoted for Jan is true, but did I give it any serious consideration while we stood there, naked and ready to fuck?! Of course not! The most consideration I might've given this condition was maybe a quick thought like "Well, I'll just have to make it good enough that they don't regret it!" But it was probably something more primitive, without words. Needless to say, I agreed.

Their smiles dropped from solid 10s to about 7-8, I think because reality was setting in and they realized they weren't just talking about it, we were going to do it. Kelly was still standing apart from me and Jan by about 5 feet. She said "Well, can I get a kiss for starters?" I looked at Jan, she just smiled and kind of nudged me over to Kelly.

I put my arms around Kelly, and we kissed. It was gentler than my kisses with Jan. Still very sexual, but more patient. I felt Kelly's body pressed into mine as we kissed. Her tits against my chest, my cock trying to lever its way up between her legs. She moaned while we kissed, and I felt hands on my ass. But wait, I also felt hands on my lower back. I realized that Jan had closed in and was fondling my ass.

I broke the kiss and turned back to Jan, being very mindful and careful to maintain separation between the sisters. With one arm around Kelly's waist, I reached out with the other hand and started playing with Jan's nipples. "How do we want to do this?" Jan answered "Let's get in bed, with you in the middle.

I laid myself down in the middle of the bed, while the sisters waited at the foot. Once I was settled in, my cock standing straight up as if it was ready to yell "I am Spartacus!", both Kelly and Jan crawled onto the bed at my feet, slowly moving up along either side of me, until they reached the halfway point. I honestly forget who reached out for my cock first, I think I closed my eyes when it happened. But once one of them broke the ice, they both focused their attention on it. First with their hands, caressing and admiring it. I remember opening my eyes and seeing them looking at each other, almost checking in to make sure they were both OK so far.

Then (this part I DO remember with certainty) Jan leaned in, and slowly took the head of my cock into her mouth while Kelly held the shaft. I remember the feel of her tongue, circling the head. I remember Kelly making slow stroking motions, looking up at me to see my reaction, and smiling when our eyes met. I think I moaned, at least in my head if not out loud.

Then Kelly leaned in and started licking from my balls, up along the shaft. As she did, Jan backed away to give Kelly access. When Kelly took it in her mouth, Jan reached over to play with my balls and shaft. Kelly was taking me in about half way, and I saw that she was playing with her nipples while she blew me.

I reached out to Jan's arm, and gently pulled her up, putting my hand around her neck once I could reach it and guiding her to my mouth so that I could kiss her. I closed my eyes, feeling Jan's tongue in my mouth, and Kelly's mouth on my cock. I had one hand on Kelly's neck, and the other hand on Jan's ass, slowly making my way to her pussy.

Jan slid up even further, positioning herself so that I could lick and suck her nipples. This gave me easy access to her pussy, so I moved my hand in, slide a finger along her slit, and holy FUCK! She was dripping wet, I'd never felt anything like it. My finger slipped in so easily, bringing another moan, and Jan starting moving her hips, just slightly, to grind against my finger. I extended my thumb and found her clit, which made her grind quite a bit harder. Kelly was still sucking my cock, and Jan was becoming vocal, saying "Yes! Right there, harder, right there." So I rubbed harder with my thumb, and gave more resistance with my finger in her pussy, pushing back against her grinding.

Within about 10 seconds, she came. Hard. I felt it with my finger, first time that had happened. She grabbed my wrist and held my hand in place while she spasmed. After a series of sexual convulsions, she stopped, panting, and increased her grip on my wrist, saying "Don't move. Do. Not. Move." So I didn't.

I noticed that Kelly had stopped sucking my cock, and was sitting up, looking at Jan. "Holy fuck, Jan, did you cum already?! That was awesome!" Jan was catching her breath. "Yeah, it was amazing. THIS is amazing, I'm so turned on, I'm afraid I'll cum again if his finger moves, and I don't have the strength so soon."

Kelly looked at me. "You doing OK?" Half joking, half making sure I was included and not just a cock they were sharing. "I'm doing great, I don't think I could possibly be doing better!" We all relaxed for a few minutes, my finger still in Jan's pussy, until she slowly eased up and off, and sat down on the bed near my leg. She looked at me and Kelly and said "Who's going to cum next?" Being a true friend as well as a gentleman, I said "Ladies first!" Kelly clapped and giggled and climbed up to straddle my face. "Is this OK?" she asked. "This is more than OK, bring it closer!"

To be concluded...