TITLE: Office Handjob From Former Colleague
AGE: 31 - 40
VOTES: 1,035
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Around five o'clock in the afternoon yesterday I get a message from a friend and former intern in my lab (in which I do a PhD) asking me for help in completing her three-year thesis presentation. She was in a tizzy, but since it is a really short presentation I offer to help.

By the time she arrives, it was pouring, it must have been six o'clock however we don't look too much at the time and finish the work around eight o'clock in the evening. At that point, considering it was still pouring, I propose that we order a pizza and eat it in the office and relax a little bit with a few beers.

Let's say that as a context, this friend of mine has always harbored a soft spot for me, but aware of my relationship situation, she never wanted to go so far as to jeopardize my relationship (i.e., give my flirtations any rope). She is a very expansive girl, and has always allowed me to take some liberties such as caressing her hands, taking her by the hips, giving her a few kisses on the cheek with a hint of tongue, but exclusively alone. At a dinner with friends I kept my hand clasped on her thigh, under her miniskirt, for quite some time with her complicity (she would reach for my hand when I took it off).

Last night she began to ask me if I was still happy with my current girlfriend and that going back would give me more freedom of movement, that she regretted denying me so many opportunities and that now that she would be gone all would be lost.

In saying this, she brushes her lips against mine and rests her hand on my groin squeezing it and reaching for my cock. Needless to say, the instant this happens my cock becomes as hard as marble.

I kiss her with my tongue as I unbutton my pants. I would like to make the story exaggeratedly passionate but the reality is much more pathetic. She made time to grab my dick with both hands, I only remember how comically large it looked in her tiny hands, and give it a couple of strokes before the combination of all these emotions made me cum. I would have liked to have lasted longer, but I wasn't ready, and in a total of like 2 minutes I had already come completely, with my pants at my ankles and semen dripping onto my legs, her hands, the chair and the office floor.

Post cumshot I offered her to eat hers pussy, but she refused saying she was not in the mood, that it was just a little parting gift. We fixed everything and left the lab shortly after. No one knows about this.