
Euro hopeful turns to Adult Performing


Introduces Dorothy

Story Hey there fans! Just thought I would show you the beautiful fall colors here in Pa! I had a lot of fun shooting these photos! I think that Mr. Shavdmuf did to! We hope that you will enjoy these photos! Please remember to vote and yes this one is for you MJ!!!! I hope to hear your postive feedback!!! If you have any suggestions on photos please let me here them!!!!! Keep Watching for me!!! I will be back!!! Kisses SHAVDMUF!!
Location Western Pennsylvania, USA
Clubhouse Username Shavdmuf24
View my previous submissions - Visit me in the clubhouse
Age ( 18 - 25 )
Title "Shavdmuf ~ Day At The Lake"
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Greetings and salivations Shavdmuf. It's a pleasure to have you back here with us at Watchersweb.
I wish you would grip my pole like that. *Wink*
There is going to be a lot of blokes with blisters on their palms after this submission.
Big-Ups on yet another sexy submission Shavdmuf. We can't wait to see what you come up with next.
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