TITLE: 55 Where Is The Next Hole?
STORY: After getting picked up from the beach I was asked by the guys if I would like to go to the golf course with them while they played 9. I said sure I just needed to go and change. They told me there was no time for that and still meet their tee off time and I was dressed fine in a long white cover up over my bikini since I would just be driving the cart and tending the flag. I agreed and knew I had been set up for some pictures when they pointed to the sign on the pro shop that said no swim wear allowed on the course and dared me to follow the rules! Not being one to pass up on a dare I went back to the car and removed the bikini leaving just the shirt and sandals. I then spent the first four holes listening to every golf comment possible about them not being able to play with a stiff shaft, need help finding their balls, could I please remove the pole, hold the pole, take out the pole when on the green that I relented and showed them where the next hole they wanted to see was. Here are pictures from the green and next tee. I hope you like them. While these were being taken another 4 some seeing what was happening caught up and we apologized for the delay and asked them to play through. They said no they were not in a rush and preferred to wait. I was told that this is very unusual on a golf course and most groups play through! What do you think?
AGE: 51+