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25TH September 2024 - I'm about as free-thinking as anyone, but I think you should remove the one in TRENDING that shows "the problem in the US" . We don't need any more racist jokes. Thanks. Love the new "Trending" site except for that one. - Coffeechuck

My first and only complaint? I think i need to step up my game - Ray

25th September 2024 - America's crime problem? Blake, you crossed the line, you racist mother fucker. I love this site, but you put that hate black shit on here? Fuck you. Dare you to print this letter. Show your wife what you're putting on her website, and I hope she fucking gives you shit. - Al

Firstly Al, we don't discrimated, we take the piss out of every country even our own. Secondly Blake is not Ravens Wife hes Ravens son. But my advise is take a oxy and have a lay down. Your going to blow your funny valve- Ray

25th September 2024 -You should have a men’s section and open to bisexual MMF- M

Have you had a look at our other site the Clubhouse ? Huge male content and contacts- Ray

25th September 2024 - Hi, I love your site and enjoy that they are mostly amateurs. I am now part of the amateur submitters and I have enjoyed the comments I have received. I would like to make a few suggestions to the submitted section. I would love to know how many people have looked at my submission, so a counter of how many people looked at your pics would be a great addition in my opinion. The second suggestions is I cannot see the comments that were written during the voting period, I would love to be able to see them every time I go back to look at the submission. Thank You in advance for your consideration of my comments, and keep up the superb site, love you all, Nancyexhib.

Nancy , we used to have page counters, however they are easily manipulated and never give a real count so we removed them. As for comment , they still appear after the voting period? they remain until the submission is moved to the archive ? - Ray